The Disciples decided to fill the empty
chair of Judas with one person.
God had a different idea!
What unlocks the Miracle Life within you?
Who is our model for success?
Are you settling for survival or is your goal to be significant?
Answer these questions to pull up your chair and join the future world leaders!
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The drama of humanity unfolds for each of us in a different way, and each must come to his or her own destiny alone. Along the road there are moments that will define us.
There are glimpses of a future not seen before, nor even understood. It was a moment like this that set the stage for a new course that I have been traveling now for over 30 years. As captain of the Michigan State University tennis team, I had excelled in that sport for several years.
Life was wonderful. I could see my future as a head coach at a major university with a career using the skill that had rewarded me in so many ways. There was only one question in my mind, but I did not expect the answer in the way it came. I wondered, is this all there is to life?

Dr. Kevin McNulty
About the Author
Dr. Kevin McNulty is a global evangelist, pastor, teacher, author, and diplomat of Christ to presidents and national churches. He, with his wife Leslie, founded Christian Adventures Intl. and are best known for mass-miracle events and their landmark 100-Tent Project across Eurasia. Spanning 30 years and 60 nations, Dr. McNulty has proclaimed the Gospel to crowds of 5,000 to 250,000 during conferences and outdoor events. Living Russia for 10 years planting churches, Bible schools and training missionaries has given him a unique perspective on today’s global environment. Kevin holds master’s and doctorate degrees from Life Christian University and a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, where he captained their Big Ten varsity tennis team. For 16 years, Drs. Kevin and Leslie McNulty served as International Directors and associate ministers with Dr. T.L. Osborn. They are also founding members of the Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith; a government recognized Protestant Church organization.
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