Take Off The Limits!

Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I live my dream? Where do I begin?”

Abraham, a man of God in the bible, desired to have a family. He and his wife were very old, beyond the child bearing age. But God gave Abraham a dream and told him to “look up at the sky and count the stars, that’s how many descendants you will have!”

Maybe life’s struggles or hard economic times tell you to downsize your dream, but ideas are meant to be SUPERSIZED! You can dream big and live large with your ideas! The story is told of the shoe salesmen that arrived in Africa. As he deplaned he saw that the people had no shoes so immediately packed up and went home! Another shoe salesmen upon arriving in Africa immediately corresponded with the home office and told them send me as many shoes as you can the African shoe market is completely untapped!

So where do you begin today? When capturing your dream, take off the limits! You are like a star in the sky, shining with potential. If each one of us dares to dream the impossible we can change our lives, our families and our communities!    http://bit.ly/1y7SUbs


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