Peace and Productivity

After His resurrection, Jesus’ first words to those in the upper room were words of peace. Peace is one of the major topics of the New Testament! Peace is called the ‘umpire of our heart,’ and is used in all our decision making.  Jesus is called the Prince of peace. Whenever Jesus appeared to people, He spoke peace first.

We must have peace in our soul to see real progress in our life. It is in the seedbed of peace and tranquility that creativity thrives and answers come forth. It is also the posture we must have to give us the inner assurance that stabilizes us for the storms. When Jesus spoke peace to His disciples, the bible says that they were glad. When you find that place of peace, you also will find a smile on your lips and a laugh in your heart!

Scripture: Colossians 3:15, Isaiah 9:6, John 20:9


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