Religion or Redemption?

After we have accepted Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation and are enjoying the freedom of the redeemed, we would be wise to do a little checkup to make sure we haven’t unconsciously slipped in any way from redemption into religion.

The following are 5 differences between Redemption and Religion:

  1. RELIGION is a “got to” way of life; REDEMPTION is a “get to” way of life.
  1. RELIGION is a door you must pass through in order to get into God’s presence;

REDEMPTION is an open door that is held open by Jesus, and no man can

shut it.

  1. RELIGION is man’s attempt to satisfy a holy God; REDEMPTION is God’s

attempt to make us holy by the sacrifice of a holy substitute.

  1. RELIGION is a shadow of the things to come without substance or power;

REDEMPTION is the reality of things to come through the substance of our

flesh and our words.

  1. RELIGION is form, a ritual, a tradition that acts like an empty shell, containing

no life or revelation within itself; REDEMPTION is an inner realization of the

Kingdom of God in the temple of our bodies that needs no form, ritual, or

tradition, because the King Himself resides within us!


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