In 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 Paul tells us that we have been called Christ’s ambassadors. What does that do for me? I don’t know if you travel, but I travel a lot and when you cross that national border there’s always a line that says, “Ambassadors.” They get to go through the front line at customs and security, they’re always treated special, and they move through first.
So when I hear him calling me “Ambassador,” I put my shoulders back and stand a little taller! You see, I don’t have to cower and bow my head and look down because I’m a Christian and everybody seems to be against Christians…no! I lift my head high, I put my shoulders back and walk with a spring in my step because I know in Whom I have believed.
And even more, I know the One Who has believed in me. The Apostle John says in 1 John 4:19 that it’s not that we first loved Him, but that He first loved us! Hallelujah!
Jesus sees the hidden potential in people. We have seen thousands of people find their dignity again.
One of the most amazing was an institutional drunk in Chernovtsy, Ukraine who wandered into our tent looking for a drink. He thought the tent was a bar and He stayed long enough to hear the message, which then gripped his heart with a glimmer of hope. He made the decision to follow Christ and something changed in him.
He went back to the hospital and told his four friends of the power he experienced in the tent. They all came the next night and received a powerful new birth. These men were all institutional drunks with no hope from society.
We desperately needed ushers because 3,000 people showed up and all we had were 3 ushers. When the born again drunks showed up I put them to work as ushers. At the institute they were given daily rations of alcohol, but they didn’t want to drink anymore and the doctors were confused. They had never seen an institutional alcoholic go free, so they kept pressing them for their secret. Sasha explained to the doctors that the Americans preached and Jesus had set them free.
The doctors wouldn’t receive their testimony and instead started a rumor that the Americans had put chips in the inmates, and that we were controlling the drunks with “new technology.” Well, we DID use something new…the NEW LIFE from heaven!
If we could get God’s perspective of people then we would win the world, but we see people through our own eyes. We like to keep records on people and hold the books. We know who is a sinner and who is a saint. God looks on the heart while we look on the outside, but we still think we know people better. We look at a prostitute, an addict, or a hardened prison inmate and label them with a big sign that says, “Sinner.”
Have you ever asked how much that ‘sinner’ is worth? How much God paid for him or her? It was the price of His Son. How much are you worth? The same.
There is no difference in value between the criminal and the evangelist. The mafia boss is called of God as much as a pastor, and probably is a pastor but just doesn’t know it!
All are already paid for. The only difference between them and you is that they don’t know it and you do. When we truly understand this, we will be motivated to tell them.
When you have an encounter with Jesus Christ and surrender your life to receive Him as your Savior and Lord, it is not just an emotional experience. It is not just a rational, intelligent moment of decision. It is not just a cleansing of your past and passport to your future.
The seed of God has been planted in you in the same miraculous way that the seed of God was planted in Mary to produce the Lord Jesus!
You had to say yes to His will the same way Mary did. She did not understand but said, “Be it done unto me according to your will.”
Peter describes this phenomenon by declaring:
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. 1 Peter 1:23
You have a miracle in you! All the potential of Jesus as a Son of God was placed in seed form in you as a child of God, except for the redemptive nature of Jesus. All His purpose and power is now able to grow and develop in you. This gives special meaning when we celebrate His birth at Christmas!
Approximately 2,000 years ago Joseph was feeling very out of place, because he could not find lodging in Bethlehem for his pregnant wife. There is Good News for those who feel out of place in today’s world. Those who feel like they have misplaced their destiny, or replaced it with an ordinary “just get by” existence.
There is a place where nothing is impossible for you. There is a place where sickness cannot stay. There is a place where you are equipped with more than enough to answer every need of every good work. There is a place where peace, dignity and love rule in your daily walk. There is a place where you do as Jesus did.
Jesus is inviting you to stand in that place when you might be feeling out of place like Joseph. That place is not far from you. It is called the Kingdom of God. Jesus said it is at hand. Paul said it is within you.
When you call on Jesus He comes to live in you, and He makes you the place where all things are possible!
When your motive is love the world will listen to you. Love is the most talked about subject on TV. Love is the theme of most movies in Hollywood. Love is what the world is drawn to, yet they are looking in the wrong places. Jesus laid a foundation for our faith by saying it requires the right motive to get the right results. Faith works by love. Jesus said that if we love as He loved then all the world would be drawn to him.
He also said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all people know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:34).
This type of love is not understood by the world, but the world is drawn to it because it comes full of forgiveness and acceptance. This love believes in you and wants the best for you.
The world has forgotten what God is like, so God became flesh and dwelt among us and showed us what He is really like. God needed flesh to show off His love.
Let’s give our flesh to God’s purpose—being examples of love.
What does the world want? The world wants deliverance from the emptiness of life. The world wants dignity based on self-worth and inherent value. The world wants a destiny—a greater purpose for living. The Creator is offering all three to every person.
God has called us to live, not just exist. We live when we discover our purpose, our potential, our power, and our position. We are seated in Christ at God’s right hand without shame, guilt, or inferiority, but with power and authority! We are co-heirs with Jesus to the throne of the Almighty!
TL Osborn tells a story about when he was in India and both a wealthy woman and a poor “untouchable” woman stood together on the platform. Each had just been healed of an incurable disease that no one had been able to heal before.
On that day, as they heard the word of God being preached, Jesus came to them. And as they grasped and understood His willingness to heal them, they were both delivered and set free! There on that platform, the woman from the wealthy caste who had beautiful jewels sewn into her gown, and the woman who was from the lower caste both celebrated what the living God had done for them in healing them. Joyfully, out of hearts full of gratitude, they embraced each other in front of that multitude of people.
God is not concerned about your status. Jesus is not concerned with whether you’re lower, upper, middle, or “untouchable.” What He’s concerned about is reaching into your world to heal you!
Nations and individuals prosper for the same reasons: they serve others with excellence, meeting their needs and desires. We must cultivate that thinking in our society again. We must find new ways to improve service or the blessing of God will pass us by.
When I was in Mexico I looked out my hotel room window and saw a vendor selling donuts on the busy street corner below. Hundreds of people were walking by him but nobody was buying any donuts, so I thought I would help. I went down to him and told him that if he gave me one donut free, I would sell all of his donuts. He refused, but I was committed.
I bought two of his donuts, cut them up into small samples and started to give them away free to the people passing by. Many stopped for a sample, and once they tasted them they wanted to buy a whole donut. I showed this vendor at my own expense how he could make money quickly, but instead of thanking me he became angry, saying that he didn’t want to work that hard! He got paid by the hour, so it didn’t matter to him whether he sold donuts or not! Friend, if that is your attitude toward your job then you should quit today because you are in the wrong job!
The Bible tells us, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” Colossians 3:23). Whatever we do we should do with all our heart. It’s not God’s will, nor is it His fault if you are poor. Poor thinking produces poor living!
If you think you’re working for a person, then you’re allowing a person to hold back your potential. You could easily slip into destructive attitudes of doing only what is necessary instead of what is right. You could end up being a men-pleaser or a clock-watcher. This creates mediocrity, and mediocrity is not rewarded with promotion, increase or new opportunity.
There is no average person in the Kingdom of God. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead now dwells in you with His resurrection life force inspiring and directing (Romans 8:11 paraphrased).
In God’s eyes you were destined for success the moment you became born again!