Living in the NOW

Our New Creation life holds no more uncertainty about our future, or of any repercussions from our past. We live in the NOW, allowing GOD to work in us and transform us into the image of Christ.  “And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image” (2 Cor 3:18 NLT).

Hidden With Christ

Fixing your eyes and your heart on Jesus will protect you from all the tricks and traps that this world and the devil try to set against you. A commitment to believe and yield to God’s Word, and His transformation process in you is a good place to begin. He is alive and working, and will lead you down the path He put in your heart, as well as get you off any path that isn’t for you!

Getting Back on Track

In many areas of life you can slip back into old patterns that you had previously freed yourself from. You wake up one day and realize you are back in the rut of doing what you were stuck in 10 or 20 years ago! This can also happen in your thinking, which ends up limiting the power of God actively working in your life. It happens when you start reading the Bible more as a history book than as a living letter to you, to be applied and acted on every day. Remember, back then it was the ministry of Jesus in a Jew. BUT NOW, it’s not just history, it has become the ministry of Jesus carried out through you!

Don’t Look Back

When the children of God forgot the miracle of deliverance from their past bondage in Egypt, they lost interest in the provision of daily bread as well as the shade by day and warmth by night. They turned their eyes to go back to slavery in Egypt.  We all can lose our hunger for the miracles of today and replace our rejoicing with memories of the past. Let us never look back, but plan a future in the impossible!

Just Like Joseph

Maybe your teachers labeled or cursed you, or maybe your friends and family did. Joseph’s brothers cursed him, in fact they dropped him down a well to die! They wanted to get rid of him, but it didn’t matter what they thought, because God had another plan. Stay inspired and in faith, trusting that just as God had good plans in store for Joseph, He has good plans for your life as well!

“Go Ye” Means Thee!

Jesus says to His followers, “I will work through you.” The disciples were looking to Him to be the one to do the works, but He was looking to them. It was hard for His disciples to understand that they would be His voice, His hands and His feet. Their eyes were on the future, but Jesus empowered them, AND US, for the present!

How Big is Your God?

God doesn’t change, but OUR perspective of His ability and His bigness does. The size of a person’s God is reflected in the types of prayers he prays. Our prayers are more a reflection of our condition than of God’s ability. The only way to get a bigger God is see through His eyes!

A Different Side of the Mountain

Embarking on a new opportunity may feel like navigating a challenging mountain slope. It’s worth the climb, but it will take concentrated effort to enjoy the journey. Today, are you willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone? Will you take a hike up a different side of the mountain? You may discover a new exposure that lies just ahead of you!

Whose Side Are You On?

When the twelve spies came back from the Promised Land, ten of them couldn’t conceive themselves winning in a battle with the giants, because they saw themselves as grasshoppers. God was for them, but they were against themselves. Start agreeing with God and see yourself achieving the impossible!


Seeds of Change

God tells us in 2 Corinthians 9 that He gives seed to the sower. What seed from God do you have that you can sow? God has given ideas and concepts to you about who He says you are, what you have been given in Christ, and what you can do. These are key seeds that you have the opportunity to sow to experience the results you want in your life!