Power Phrases (Part 1)

Have you ever considered how to generate a positive thought? Over the next three days I want to introduce 3 “Power-Phrases” for you to frequently recite. Allow them to fill your sails with the wind of positive expectation!

Power-Phrase #1: Tough times never last, but tough people do. 

This phrase comes from the title of one of over 37 books authored by Dr. Robert Schuller, pioneer of the first televised church service.

Living positive in a negative world, or developing positivethinking patterns in difficult situations, provides the creative energy and stamina necessary to tackle life’s biggest challenges.

You may be thinking, if you only knew the problems I’m facing!  Well, Dr. Schuller’s family certainly had their own share of problems. His own father, at the age of 60, lost everything when a devastating tornado destroyed their livestock, their crops, their family home and their barn. Nothing was left! Ten farms were utterly destroyed by that storm—only one man rebuilt! http://bit.ly/1Jvt5rc

Stimulate Your Creativity Sensors!

Do you realize that you have God-implanted creativity sensors? Fundamental to creative thought is an awareness of the 5 senses: smell, sight, touch, hearing and taste!  Stimulation of the 5 senses is a powerful tool in developing creative thought!

Did you know that the sense of smell is located in the part of the brain that effects emotions, memory and creativity? Aromas such as vanilla and cinnamon are known to stimulate creativity. A trip to the market could open up a world of creative thought for you today!

Do you recognize that color can promote feelings of creativity, enhance the power of focus or stimulate a sense of urgency? Color has significant meaning in religious and meditative thought.

What about sound? Are you aware that ambient music can improve creativity? According to the Journal of Consumer Research, ambient sound levels ranging from 50 to 70 decibels can increase creative productivity. These moderate sound levels stimulate the mind to activity. This is not an exercise in turn-up-the-music-as-loud-as-possible, but rather an exercise in creating a mood that will cause your thoughts to flow.

Have you tapped into the spiritual aspect of your creativity? I am not simply talking about an awareness that God gave you 5 senses, I am referring to divine empowerment by God!  http://bit.ly/18TgVN2

Think About Your Thinking!

Thinking is central to creativity! Our mentor, Dr. TL Osborn, famous missionary statesmen, instilled in my husband and I the importance of deliberate thought. Most people drift through life allowing others to think for them. Some people wake up in the morning and resolve to think for the day, yet others awake and decide to think for the week. But the real winners in life resolve to think for a whole month and even dare to target innovative and inventive ideas.

If we do not anticipate change or the potential limitation found in daily routine, the normalcy of life can limit our creative thought! You might be faced with unanticipated problems or crisis scenarios. Creative thinking allows us to anticipate future problems, resolve existing crises, and develop new solutions for life!

In my “10 Ideas for Creativity” workbook, which I encourage you to download today, we explore concepts to stimulate creative thought. http://bit.ly/1EiSCqN

Solving Problems for Others

Four things happen when I solve problems for others:

  • First, I recognize that I have the ability to provide solutions.
  • Second, this instills a confidence which inspires me to resolve my own difficulties.
  • Third, I recognize that I can believe in myself because there is someone greater that also believes in me.
  • Lastly, my victories often open doors of victory for others.

Remember when facing personal difficulties that you have a teammate! Don’t be self-absorbed when seeing the problems that others face.  Gordon Hinckley said, “…the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves…if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves.”

Do the Impossible!

When Jesus comes into a life He brings the world with Him. Suddenly, a person with limited motivation, expectation and imagination starts to dream of doing the impossible!  Dare to think limitless in some area of your life. Understand that there is more to you than meets the eye. Jesus sees the real person you are to become. He puts a vision in your heart that is bigger than what you can do without Him.

Scripture gives us an expectation of this new life that will ignite our passion for the adventures God is calling us to. Years ago, as we got out of a boat into the water off Bahol Island in the Philippines, the moonlight hit the water at just the right angle to reveal thousands of snakes in the water beneath us. We survived, and you will too, as you get out of the boat and take the risk of walking on water!

God will never give up on you. Never forget that. And that’s not all…as we throw open our doors to God, we discover at the same moment that He has already thrown open His door to us!

Live Your Dream Summary (Part 2)

Today we continue our review with the final 3 steps to help you make your dream a reality: 

Step 5 – Refine your vision statement, and recognize that dream casting can only be done by people who live and breathe their dream.  Is your vision statement clear? Clarity in your vision statement and your plans will allow you to move forward when others are still questioning the value of your dream. If you can see it, you can seize it!

Step 6 – Establishing your “Dream Team.” When God gives you a dream, He gives you a partnership to go along with that dream! You can’t go it alone, any dream worth accomplishing requires people in order to accomplish it. Remember: No load is too heavy when you carry it with a friend!

Step 7 – Put your dream into action!  Allow time to be your friend and not your enemy; most dreams are not lost to economic circumstance or unbelief, but to discouragement because of time without evidence of fulfillment. Routines are important to help you create lasting personal results.

And remember, fulfillment of the dream that is in your heart will need a healthy balance of work, and worship, rest, and play in order to sustain you on the road to your destination.


Live Your Dream Summary (Part 1)

It’s time to Live Your Dream and implement the steps we’ve discovered to make your dream a reality. Remember, with these seven steps you can eliminate that chatter that tells you your dreams are not valid.  

For the next two days we will review our key underlying principles:

Step 1 – Establish your LITMUS test, which is necessary to create a foundation on which to begin. Ask yourself three important questions for defining your dream:  Is my dream good for God? Is my dream good for People? Is my dream good for Me?

Step 2 – Remember: Ideas are meant to be supersized! When capturing your dream, take off the limits! Turn on the creativity meter! Your mind of imagination is a field of possibilities!

Step 3 – Put your dream to the test.  My coaches over the years challenged me to never give up, to stretch the extra mile, and to always discover the cost of my dream. The payments required for reaching a dream never stop. The greater price you pay, the greater joy you feel when you finally reach your destination!

Step 4 – The importance of instilling vision in others. We asked the questions: Is your vision MAGNETIC and attracting interest from others? Is it MAGNANIMOUS? Are you generous of spirit? Is it MAJESTIC? What great results do you anticipate?

4 Words to Remember

As a former collegiate athlete, intensity was my mode of operation, and “no pain–no gain” was my motto!  Only when a wonderfully kind Australian pastor I met in my travels challenged me to evaluate my life did I begin to realize that I was driving my life rather than enjoying it. He challenged me to establish daily, weekly, and annual routines of work, worship, rest and play.

As you embark upon your dream, remember:

Work routines provide healthy self-esteem and a confidence that your dream is well underway. Worship is our expression to God for all that He has done in creating and preparing us for life. Worship helps us acknowledge that a source greater than ourselves is gently guiding and strengthening us each day.

Rest is the time required to recharge our physical and mental capabilities. We are complex beings that have a spirit, live in a body and function through our mind, our will and emotions. Rest recharges our spiritual, physical and emotional energy.

My last encouragement is to remind you to play! The kind Australian pastor that convinced me to relax and do some reading, later graciously encouraged me to go play! All I could think of was how I wanted to go for a swing. Something about playing on the swings in my childhood recalled fond memories of the freedom found as the wind blew through my hair and the blood coursed through my veins as I went higher and higher to discover new untouched boundaries.

Allowing ourselves to play opens up a child-like spirit of creativity, allowing us to dream as only a child can do. So this week after you have completed your worksheet and determined to accomplish your dream for humanity, put down your paper and pen and run out to the nearest playground, and let your inner child go wild.  Go for a swing! Play! Ride the local carousel! Treat yourself to an ice cream! Tap into the supernatural reservoir of joy and energy that is resonant within.

Remember: Learn to establish rhythms in your life for true success and prosperity. You will need these in order to go the long haul. No orchestra ever created a masterful symphony without first tuning the instruments!

Diligence vs Discouragement

As you pursue your dream, let time work for you by developing, training, practicing, praying and rehearsing. Develop a daily routine that will help you accomplish your life’s goals.

Take a few minutes and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is the most important habit I can establish in order to reach my desired dream?
  1. What morning routines should I establish in order to be highly productive each day?
  1. What is my most productive time of the day? When should I tackle my creative or administrative tasks?
  1. Utilize a calendar tool such as “Google Calendar” to schedule each day and set a specific wake up and wind down time each day.
  1. Create “Tiny Habits.” This can be as simple as putting the tooth brush on a counter so it is there each morning when you wake up. Tiny Habits—develop new routines in your life each and every day.
  1. Discover the rhythms of life necessary to serve your dream, your family and your God.

Write down three routines right now that you are determined to establish this month.


A Bountiful Eye

What does your eye see? The scripture says, The person that has a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for this person gives of his [or her] bread to the poor.

There is a story of a Russian woman on a very small pension. One morning she looked into her refrigerator and realized she had only one frozen chicken—and nothing else. In her village dozens were hungry and without any food, so that day she made the decision to take that chicken and make a pot of soup.

You would think that she would savor every drop of that soup, but instead she took it to the streets and began feeding the hungry. So impressed were her neighbors with her act of kindness that others began supplying bread, and even vegetables from their gardens. Even more astounding was the day the mayor walked by and noticed the impact this woman was having in her village. He called his office and told the city clerk to find a facility for her to open a kitchen, and to supply her with whatever she needed!

In the midst of her poverty, this woman found a principle of true wealth. Her eye was full of abundance, and her thoughts were pointed in that direction. With one chicken she became the solution for the needy of her community!

Scripture: Proverbs 22:9 (paraphrased)   http://bit.ly/1GM2cPj