Unlocking Your Creativity Part 1

How do we initiate the creative process? Does it require hours of educational training?  For years, my husband has been committed to some type of daily writing.  In the early years of our marriage he wrote 6 pages a day on the topic that he was studying. As technology progressed he moved into writing a daily blog. Now he writes books by writing at least one well thought out page each day. His structure for writing is much clearer and his goals are simplified, but he continues to place a constant demand upon his creativity.

So how do you begin?

First, see it!  Define the problem you need to solve or the project you want to create. Look at it from different perspectives. In other words, keep reframing the idea, researching for insights from different viewpoints.

Second, go for a plunge! Dive deep into the materials you’ve gathered. Don’t just stick your toe in the edge of the water, immerse yourself. Allow the reality of what you expect to solve or create to consume your thoughts.

Third, think on these things! The point is to let the information steep like a tea bag in hot water. All the seedlings of information you have gathered can now sprout in the soil of your mind. How? Take a break! Go for a walk….ponder the information!

The Road Less Traveled

In the spring of 1883 two young men graduated from medical school. The two differed from one another in both appearance and ambition. Ben was short and stocky. Will was tall and thin. Ben dreamed of practicing medicine on the affluent United States East Coast. Will wanted to work in a rural community.

Ben begged his friend to go to New York where they could both make a fortune. Will refused. His friend called him foolish for wanting to practice medicine in rural USA. “First of all,” Will said, “I want to be a great surgeon…the very best, if I have the ability.”

Years later the wealthy and powerful came from around the world to be treated by Will at his clinic. Today, the Mayo Clinic is one of the leading educational and research hospitals in the world. Why? Because someone chose a life mission to be the very best they could be, and in doing so opened a pathway for scores of others to follow!

Who Is My Neighbor?

Who is your neighbor? Who are you required to help in this world? Should you be involved in the business of rescuing others? Or is it just better to sit by and watch people suffer? 

A religious leader asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied with a story about a man who was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes and beat him, leaving him almost dead.

A priest saw the injured man and quickly passed on the opposite side of the road. So did a second priest! Then a Samaritan man, considered lowlier than a dog but evidently having some wealth, took pity on the stranger, bandaged his wounds, put him in an inn and cared for him.  Jesus then posed this question, “Which of these three men was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hand of the robbers?”

The religious leader responded, “The one who had mercy on him.” In every human soul, there is a void—an emptiness, waiting to be filled. What will you pursue to fill that void—success, family, prosperity, education? Or are you willing to step out and set a different standard for your life? A standard that can make a difference?

Faith In The Future

A man once wrote of this experience. As a small town prepared to be flooded before the building of a large dam, a unique thing happened. In the months before the flooding, all improvements and repairs stopped! Why paint a house if it will be destroyed in a few months? As week by week the town deteriorated, the man offered this conclusion, “Where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.”

Hope is the picture of the future. Without that picture there is no confidence to move forward and certainly no power by which to live!

If you need hope today, you’ll find inspiring resources at LeslieMcNulty.com—you will find stories of people just like you discovering hope for everyday life!  http://bit.ly/1EEHSMX

A Bright Future

What is hope? Is it a feeling? A force? Or could it be something as simple as the picture of a bright future?  From Parade magazine comes the story of self-made millionaire, Eugene Land, who greatly changed the lives of a sixth-grade class in East Harlem. Though located near the more affluent areas of New York City, East Harlem is notorious for its violent crime rates and poor education.

Mr. Lang was asked to speak to 59 sixth-graders. What could he say to inspire these students, most of whom would surely drop out of school? He wondered how he could get these predominantly black and Puerto Rican children even to look at him.

Scrapping his notes, he decided to speak to them from his heart. “Stay in school, and I’ll help pay the college tuition for every one of you.” In that moment, their lives changed. For the first time they had HOPE. One student said, “I had something to look forward to. It was a golden feeling.” Nearly 90 percent of that class went on to graduate from high school!

For these young students, the promise of an education provided a picture of a new outcome for their lives! Instead of facing the harsh reality that they would spend their lives on the NYC streets, struggling like most of their friends, they now had opportunity to break their financial and educational barriers and to rise to a new future!  http://bit.ly/1cufu9O

Think About Your Thinking!

Thinking is central to creativity! Our mentor, Dr. TL Osborn, famous missionary statesmen, instilled in my husband and I the importance of deliberate thought! Most people drift through life allowing others to think for them. Some people wake up in the morning and resolve to think for the day, yet others awake and decide to think for the week. But the REAL WINNERS in life resolve to think for a whole month and even dare to target innovative and inventive ideas.

If we do not anticipate change or the potential limitation found in daily routine, the normalcy of life can limit our creative thought! You might be faced with unanticipated problems or crisis scenarios. Creative thinking allows us to anticipate future problems, resolve existing crises, and develop new solutions for life!

In my “10 Ideas for Creativity” workbook, which I encourage you to download today, we explore concepts to stimulate creative thought.

Release Your Creativity!

Do you realize that you have God implanted creativity sensors? Fundamental to creative thought is an awareness of the 5 senses – smell, sight, touch, hearing and taste!  Stimulation of the 5 senses is a powerful tool in developing creative thought!

Did you know that the sense of smell is located in the part of the brain that effects emotions, memory and creativity? Aromas such as vanilla and cinnamon are known to stimulate creativity. A trip to the market could open up a world of creative thought for you today!

Do you recognize that color can promote feelings of creativity, enhance the power of focus or stimulate a sense of urgency? Color has significant meaning in religious and meditative thought.

What about sound? Are you aware that ambient music can improve creativity? According to the Journal of Consumer Research, ambient sound levels ranging from 50 to 70 decibels can increase creative productivity. These moderate sound levels stimulate the mind to activity. This is not an exercise in turn-up-the-music-as-loud-as-possible, but rather an exercise in creating a mood that will cause your thoughts to flow.

Have you tapped into the spiritual aspect of your creativity? I am not simply talking about an awareness that God gave you 5 senses, I am referring to divine empowerment by God!

Expectant and Dreaming!

God is a partner in our labor working things together for us. What a pleasure it is to trust in HIM, knowing that He is working behind the scenes on our behalf!

Change surrounds each one of us because of difficulties in this natural world. However, in this time of transition we use our faith and our passion to latch on to God’s will, and connect to the wealth that is available for transfer into the hands of those in the kingdom of God.

We are not down and defeated without hope or alternatives, but we are UP…expectant and dreaming of new possibilities in changing times!

Scripture: Romans 8:28


Created to be Creators

Have you ever considered who designed the universe? Have you ever pondered that like God, you were made for good with an ability to create? You and I are created to be hooked up to the greatest factory of ideas that ever existed!

We were created in the image of the One who has a supernatural reservoir of inspired possibilities. Like God, the Creator of the universe, we have a voice, words, ideas and an ability to dream and communicate.  We were fashioned for fellowship with the Creator of the universe and we were gifted to be creators ourselves!  http://bit.ly/1GCCBcy


You Need A Dream Team!

When God gives you a dream He gives you a partnership to go along with that dream! You can’t go it alone – any dream worth accomplishing requires people in order to accomplish it.

“But I never have good success working with people!” you might say.  In reality, as long as there are people on this earth you will always have problems! The real opportunity before you is to learn to lead people, and learn to anticipate problems. You can’t go it alone! Isolation is the enemy of many a dream and the elephant in the room for many a dreamer.

You don’t need an audience cheering you on, but one friend, one associate can certainly provide ample encouragement when you face life’s struggles. You need a DREAM TEAM that will support you as you move forward!  http://bit.ly/1aRE8jT