Dream Big!

I recall when my husband and I wanted to purchase a tent for Eurasia. We were excited because our mentor had been telling the people of the Ex-Soviet countries to purchase tents for evangelization and church planting. WOW! It looked like we had an idea from God. But when we met with our mentor, Dr. TL Osborn, his response to us was, “That’s not God.” Then he asked: “How many republics, nations, and regions are there in the ex-Soviet territories?”  We knew the answer was a little over 100 – so our response to his question was easy, “We need 100 tents!”  Immediately he responded by saying: “Now that’s an idea big enough for God to get involved with!”

We thought we had a big dream with one tent that cost $25,000, but we soon discovered that 100 tents made room for many organizations and people from around the globe to dream with us! Over 15 years later we now have 70 tents in that region and two small factories producing tents.  If your dream is big enough, you can make room for others to join you in your dream!  http://bit.ly/1CvEBhG


Crafting Your Vision Statement

Is your dream transferrable? Who else will benefit from the majestic view of your dream? Is it motivational? Do you get excited about your dream? If you get excited others will also!

The following questions will help you clarify your dream by crafting a vision statement that identifies your destination, purpose and values. Remember these words: TRANSFERRABLE, MEMORABLE and MOTIVATIONAL.

  1. Does your vision statement identify where are you going?
  2. Does your vision statement define your purpose? Why do you exist?
  3. Does your vision statement convey your values? What principles guide your decisions or actions on your journey?
  4. Can your vision be easily captured by your audience?
  5. Is your vision memorable? Use action words and succinct sayings to convey your thoughts. Avoid clichés or overly used statements
  6. Is your vision motivational? It should be inspiring. If no one is excited about it you may not be effectively communicating!   http://bit.ly/1bSPZ1P

Magnetic, Magnanimous, Majestic

Have you thought about the importance of instilling vision in others? Let’s look briefly at three words: Magnetic, Magnanimous & Majestic.

Is your vision MAGNETIC? Is it attracting interest from others? Is it drawing resources to you? Regardless of your socioeconomic status, the world around you has extra resources looking to be employed, and your vision will provide a road map for resources and people to travel along! Ask yourself, “What am I attracting to my vision? Is it what I want? What I am expecting?”

The second word is MAGNANIMOUS – Are you generous of spirit? It will take quite a bit of generosity of spirit, time and talent to get you to your destination. The word ‘magnanimous’ means to be royal in nature, noble in character, capable of gracious behavior. Are you forgiving, charitable? Learn to think like nobility. You will need these characteristics when friends, family and those you have trusted fail you on the pathway to your dream! The result of being magnanimous is that you won’t sweat the small stuff. That’s what happens when you know who you are and when you know where you are headed! You are made for royalty! For destiny!

MAJESTIC—is your dream memorable? What value will it add to society and others? Is it quantifiable? What great results do you anticipate? How many people will you help? How much income will it generate? What great issue in society are you addressing?  http://bit.ly/1Eyv40n

Money Follows Vision

The COST of your dream? Face the reality that you may need to raise the funds to acquire your dream, you may need a new education, you may need to find legal assistance to initiate your idea!

You might say, “I don’t have enough money to fulfill my vision!” Believe it or not, that’s not a new thought—most dreams begin with very little!  MONEY FOLLOWS VISION!  It’s not the money in your pocket that counts, but the value of the idea in your mouth that will open the door to opportunity!

It’s not what you have or what you know, but often it’s the WHO that you will meet that will make a dream a reality! Ask yourself: Who do you know? Who can you get to know?  http://bit.ly/1bKt3BS


Counting The Cost

Nothing makes a dream come alive like writing your idea down and creating a prototype and determining what resources are required to pursue your dream. The following testimony could be you. What happened? A mother and a daughter decided to take the Live Your Dream – Dream Sheets and use them to layout the road map to their dream.

My daughter and I put our heads together on our idea, made some of them, then  prayed and asked around for a patent lawyer. We met with one on Feb. 25 and had a list of questions we asked and showed him our idea. When he saw it, he loved it, and loved the idea and that there were so many different distributors we could market to. My goal is–to market our product, bring in more money and give back to God. (I truly believe that you cannot out give God).”

It is often said that some of the most brilliant ideas were conceived over a meal and written on a paper napkin! Your idea may be brilliant but that’s just the beginning! We have provided you with a workbook to help you formulate the dream that’s in your heart!

How? Research what your dream requires. Ask yourself this question:  What price is too high to pay? Breakdown the cost of your dream on a personal level by asking these questions:

  1. What will my dream cost me personally – financially and emotionally?
  2. What will my dream cost my family? My marriage?
  3. What will my dream require from my current free time? Ask yourself, are you willing to give up your free time to pursue the dream that’s in your heart, or to learn a new skill, take a class, build a prototype, set a goal? Consider the price before you embark!

Be sure to download your Live Your Dream -7 Dream Sheets today! 

Scripture: Proverbs 3:6


What Will It Cost?

Have you ever wondered, “How do I put my dream to the test?”  What measurements, standards or costs are associated with your dream?  Anything worth having has a price attached!

To improve your game skills as an athlete you have to practice, practice, practice.  Likewise, in the daily pursuit of our dream sometimes we don’t feel like carrying on, but the sheer will of fortitude, the desire to win and the constant challenge to press beyond our current capabilities keeps us charging forward toward our destination.

Never give up, stretch the extra mile, and always discover the cost of your dream!


Out Of The Comfort Zone

Consider: does my dream capitalize on my strengths and minimize my weaknesses?  The law of least effort says you will find your purpose where you find your natural rhythm in life!

Ponder: does my dream get me excited about helping others?

Meditate: where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? How will you know that you have achieved your ultimate success?

Remember…it’s never too late or never too early to begin dreaming!  You’re never too poor or too limited to dream!

Today let’s push out of the comfort zone and enter the Idea Zone! You won’t regret it!


Take Off The Limits!

Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I live my dream? Where do I begin?”

Abraham, a man of God in the bible, desired to have a family. He and his wife were very old, beyond the child bearing age. But God gave Abraham a dream and told him to “look up at the sky and count the stars, that’s how many descendants you will have!”

Maybe life’s struggles or hard economic times tell you to downsize your dream, but ideas are meant to be SUPERSIZED! You can dream big and live large with your ideas! The story is told of the shoe salesmen that arrived in Africa. As he deplaned he saw that the people had no shoes so immediately packed up and went home! Another shoe salesmen upon arriving in Africa immediately corresponded with the home office and told them send me as many shoes as you can the African shoe market is completely untapped!

So where do you begin today? When capturing your dream, take off the limits! You are like a star in the sky, shining with potential. If each one of us dares to dream the impossible we can change our lives, our families and our communities!    http://bit.ly/1y7SUbs

How Do I Qualify My Dream? Part – 3

In our last two Blogs we discussed the importance of asking the right questions when qualifying the dream that is in our heart! Today we take a look at:

Question #3 Is My Dream Good for Me?

If you are a woman, it is likely that you have never even asked this question. Most women spend the majority of their time taking care of their families–their husband, their children, maybe even their neighbor’s kids or a whole host of people but rarely do they stop to ask the question: Is my dream good for me?

This last and all important question helps us qualify whether or not we have the strength to pursue our dreams. No dream is accomplished by good luck, super charm or because the planets align in a particular supernatural order. NO – I HAVE LEARNED OVER THE YEARS that anything worth having will extract a price, on the road to obtaining your end goal. SO, THE QUESTION FOR YOU TODAY is…

Do I have the strength to make that choice to pursue the desire that is in my heart? 

I believe you do! Think on it…. It’s worth your time!        http://bit.ly/1IvK0uC

To learn more download my Live Your Dream Workbook!


How Do I Qualify My Dream? Part – 2

In our last Blog we discussed the importance of establishing a “LITMUS TEST” a standard by which we can evaluate or qualify our dreams. Today we continue with:

Question #2  Is My Dream Good for People? We could also ask: Is My Dream Good for Others?

Remember you can rise above average and discover a purpose that will not only benefit you and your family but your dream can benefit those around you! Creating win-win scenarios for people unlocks great potential and resource, and it paves a way for others to join you in your business, mission or project. Remember… solving a problem for someone else is a clear path to your own problems being solved! The business world calls this a “win-win” attitude–a situation where everyone can benefit. Many people call it Karma, in other words, what comes around goes around. But I like to say it this way: Give — and it will be given back to you in abundance! Luke 6:38       http://bit.ly/1CqzMuF

To learn more download my Live Your Dream Workbook!