Do you recognize the importance of your dreams? Many dismiss their dreams because they dismiss themselves. Don’t let life, people, failure, or your present condition keep you from the seed of a dream in your heart!
You might have been born into a poor family, with a poor education and poor friends in a poor neighborhood, but you do NOT have to stay there! There is no one limiting you. You are not a prisoner of your past, your neighborhood, your status or lack of education. When Christ comes to live in you there is a new power in operation!
Ask God to help you stay passionate about the right things. God is in you and He dreams with you! Ask Him to direct your steps and your vision. The desires that are in your heart are the desires He puts in you. Why? Because we are in relationship with Him!
In the book of Genesis we read about Joseph who experienced the pit, then a prison, and finally the palace. If you can survive the pit and the prison that tries to steal your dreams, you will experience the palace!
The Gospel comes in two forms: words and actions. I recall what Henry Ford, the great auto industrialist, said to the preacher after one Sunday morning at church. “Preacher, that was a great message, but if you worked for me I’d fire you.” “Why??” the preacher asked. Ford replied, “You prepared us all for action, but left us with nothing to do.”
God is dependent upon us to carry out His plans in the earth. Acts 13:6 says David fulfilled his purpose in his generation. I see two things in this passage. One, David knew his purpose; and two, he fulfilled his purpose! My prayer is that each one of us would discover our purpose, find our team, and then pull together for fulfillment in God’s plan!
If you had a bank that credited your account each morning with $86,000 that carried over no balance from day to day, allowed you to keep no cash in your account, and every evening cancelled whatever part of the amount you failed to use during the day, what would you do?
You would draw out every cent every day, of course, and use it to your advantage! Well, you have such a bank, and its name is TIME! Every morning it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it rules off as lost whatever of time you failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balances and allows no overdrafts. Each day it opens a new account with you. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against tomorrow.
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15
The good news is that each morning you are also given a basket of seeds called seconds, another basket called words, and another basket called thoughts. You can pull out of these baskets all the seeds you want for the harvest you want. The future is yours to sow for!
When I was a young boy, an old Ford factory shift worker came to my grade school looking for boys who wanted to learn to play tennis. The idea jumped in me so I pursued it—despite having a bad case of pigeon-toed feet and starting the game with the racket in the wrong hand!
The coach made an instant determination that I wouldn’t make it. He devised a tournament to eliminate some of the boys he thought were hopeless and wouldn’t make the grade. I was scheduled to play the best player. I was facing immediate termination and it was assumed I would quietly disappear into the night.
However, the day before the tournament began, the star player was hit in the head by a baseball and knocked unconscious. He couldn’t play, and I ended up winning the tournament, which turned the thinking of everyone upside down! Where they had seen no promise of success, they were now forced to acknowledge more than a promise!
Well, that first tournament victory was followed by over 100 more! Those days prepared me for the challenges of today. Follow your dream! Don’t let your pigeon-toed feet or lack of knowledge hinder your opportunity for victory!
Your were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? It certainly isn’t God, for he is the one who called you to freedom (Galatians 5:7-8 NLT).
King David was not even considered by his own father or family to be thought of as a prospect for anything other than a shepherd. Yet the prophet Samuel singled him out as the one with the destiny to be King of Israel.
What did he do when he received this great announcement and anointing? He went back to shepherding. The difference was, the idea was now birthed in his heart and he began to dream of himself as a king!
But it was neither the prophet nor the dream that made David a king. It was the victory gained through the challenge of Goliath that put him on the path to kingship. Confronting this giant was a decision he had to make alone, but something within him rose up and moved him to face Israel’s enemy. Where others saw a young boy tending sheep in the present, the Lord saw a mighty man leading Israel to greatness in the future.
Search your heart, seize the moment and be bold because of the Greater One living within you!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have an answer for every situation that you face? Could it be possible to have a good response to every worry or fear that you might encounter? The truth is that you DO have the answers! The challenge is that those answers are in seed form.
Imagine this: You enter the Superstore of God and walk down the aisles of goods and products, looking at everything you want in life. What would God say when you pulled up to the checkout counter with your cart full of everything you desire? He would say YES and fill your cart with all the seeds that would produce what you said.
The problem is that most people wouldn’t walk out with any seeds, because they would rather have the results immediately. But if you want things immediately, you will have to produce them yourself without the supernatural seeds of God’s supply.
Seeds have wonderful characteristics in that they have creative life within them. They have the ability to multiply and produce more than planted. They have durability so they last for ages.
But seeds require time!
What you put in the soil is not what you will be seeing in 24 hours, but you will see it. Only after the farmer tills his ground, fertilizes it, and waters it does he plant the precious seeds. He heads down to the local coffee shop and talks with the other farmers and relaxes. Why isn’t he walking the fields praying for a harvest? It is because he knows his job is done and the job of the seed is beginning. He knows that seeds always produce. He trust his seeds. Seeds always do their part if they remain planted.
The seeds that Leslie and I planted years ago for a world ministry that will effect positive change in millions of people still are producing. The desire of leaders worldwide to hear and experience the miracle events has not waned over time, but continues to grow.
What seeds are you planting? If you don’t know, check the words you’re speaking, the thoughts you continue to repeat over time, and the strong feelings you have in various areas. Therein lies the seedbed of your future!