What Does God Say About That?

Faith is a force that operates apart from the reality of our circumstances. Your present reality may be saying you are out of money, you are sick, you are unemployed, your children are lost—but faith operates in the reality of what GOD says about the situation!

Know the Truth!

The devil doesn’t have any power! He only has the ability to try to focus our attention on a thought or some temporary situation or report, in an attempt to twist and pervert the truth of God’s Word that God has already given to us. Deception is powerless against those who make it their business to learn the truth!

Don’t Be Deceived

Remember, the Bible does NOT say that we are to stand against the power or the strength of the devil. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:11 that we are to stand against the tricks and schemes of the devil. Why? Because deception is his only weapon against us!

A Dynamic Duo

Whatever needs you face today, you’re not facing them alone! Jesus said He will be with you always. The two of you together are an inseparable, supernatural team with unseen resources that the world does not have!


Bold as a Lion!

We do NOT have to be timid when facing difficulties in life! Because God lives in us and has equipped us with everything we need, we can face life with courage, with determination, and with boldness!

Keep Your Mind on Course

The only weapon the devil has is deception, and his only entrance into a born-again believer is through the mind. He wants you to grab hold of a lie so he can gain a foothold in your life. Let God’s Word wash your thoughts and keep your thinking on right paths!

Heaven on Earth

We were created to exist in perfect harmony with God. Jesus shows us God’s intention, which is to reunite us in perfect unity with Him—one spirit with Him, our hearts beating as one with His heart, and our bodies resonating with health!

The Divine Antibiotic

How do you begin to live a life of consistent results? Begin with your thoughts! Fill the treasure chest of your mind with the truth and expectation from God’s Word, instead of the thoughts of fear and dread the world is continually trying to infect you with. When you make a practice of this, life will begin to look as bright on the outside as you are making it on the inside!

The Final Answer

The Word of God is the truth, so it must be our standard as the absolute truth we live by.  No matter how different the natural facts may appear, the reality is that God’s Word IS and ALWAYS WILL BE the final and absolute truth in every situation!

Tell Fear Where to Go

If you are a believer and are being stalked by fear, you must turn around and face that fear and say, “In the Name of JESUS, fear, YOU LEAVE ME NOW! You have no control over me because my heavenly Father’s arms are wrapped around me and He has saved me, delivered me, and set me free!”