Who’s in YOUR Mirror?

When the twelve spies came back from the Promised Land, ten of them couldn’t conceive of themselves winning in a battle with giants. Why? Because they saw themselves as grasshoppers. God was for them, but they were against themselves. See yourself achieving the impossible!

Stand Firm and Never Quit

What is the position we take when we have unanswered prayers? We stand firm and never quit! Elijah prayed 7 times for it to rain. He didn’t quit at the 6th time and start teaching his disciples why God doesn’t always answer. No! He persisted and received rain the 7th time!  1 Kings 18:42-44

The Greater One is Within You

The Spirit of God within us inspires us with His thoughts, which equips us to face all of the evils of darkness with the same calmness, confidence, and presence of mind that Jesus demonstrated.

Our Prayer For You

I am praying for all our friends and partners, that you may know the plan that the Lord has set forth for your life. This knowledge will generate an inner strength, enabling you to face life each day with an “all things are possible” attitude. We pray that you may have His wisdom and His understanding for all of life’s decisions!

First Choice or Last Resort?

Jesus is not only with the Christian but He is IN the Christian—yet many are full of fears and worries, gloom and doom, waiting for a bail out by something “bigger and better.” It’s only when you know Who is WITH you and IN you that you will rise to new levels of confidence!


Shout Back!

So often our circumstances shout, “This is impossible!” “It’s over!” “You’re wasting your time!” Sometimes your closest friends or even your spouse might say, “This is stupid, what are you doing? This faith stuff isn’t working!” I plead with you—at that moment when it’s very hard and you think you will fail and want to quit—BELIEVE in the Word of God and DON’T GIVE UP!!

Who Are You?

Your identity is your concept of who you are. You’ve been given an identity by God and a name that is above every other name. Declare your God-given identity: “I am healed by the stripes of Jesus!”  “I am born into the kingdom of God!” “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!”

Winning the Mind Game

How do you begin to live a life of consistent results? You can begin with your thoughts! Fill the treasure chest of your mind with the truth and expectation from God’s Word, instead of the thoughts of fear and dread the world is continually trying to infect you with. When you make a practice of this, life will begin to look as bright on the outside as you are making it on the inside!

Whose Side Are You On?

In order for God to work with us we are going to have to cooperate with Him. If we want to receive total victory and deliverance, it’s not enough to simply KNOW that God understands and cares about us. We must go on from there and DO WHAT HIS WORD SAYS! Cast ALL of our anxieties, ALL of our worries and ALL of our concerns upon Him, for He cares for us!

Speak to Your Storms

If you’re feeling like a panicked disciple out in the middle of the sea in a foundering ship, remember: there is One greater than the stormy seas and He lives inside you! He holds the earth with all of its seas in the palm of His hand! Speak to those storms just as Jesus did, and put your trust in Him to bring you to safe harbor!