With an attitude of gratitude, we can soar to the heights where new hope, new strength and new life are found. Today, let’s celebrate and be thankful for the SIMPLE things of life no matter how insignificant they may seem!
You may look at yourself and think, “this is the way I am because this is how I have always been,” but the secret to a new life is as simple as changing the facts. Change the information going in, and you will change the results coming out.
You CAN begin again if you don’t like who you are or the direction you are headed. It takes a quality decision and the ability to throw away the clock and calendar. Don’t look at what might have been, look at what can still be!
Train your thoughts on JESUS! Change your words to what GOD says! The scriptures are clear, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).
If you are born again there may be darkness all around you, but you are light because the light giver lives in you! There may be curses all around you but you are blessed! There may be bondage all around you but you are free!
Jesus said “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). He is saying that following His success will make you someone that others want to follow. Men will be caught by your posture, words, peace, and authority in the midst of challenges. That is true leadership!
Even after you have chosen to forgive, memories of wrongs suffered and the associated negative feelings will still try to rise up. But hold on to forgiveness! Remind yourself that you made a decision to forgive!
You are destined for success! But to get there, you have to transition out of your normal, common thinking into an uncommon thought life. Normal thinking is the rut your brain shifts into when you continually think on what you’re accustomed to—“This is the way it is, therefore this is the way it will always be.” No! Those are common thoughts. That’s how the world thinks!
If we spend most of our time begging God to do what He’s already done, and the rest of the time asking Him to do what He’s told us to do, what have we just done? Nothing! Ask yourself today, are you a beggar or are you a believer?
Scripture says we are to “love others as we love ourselves” (Mark 12:33, author’s paraphrase). Maybe the reason there is so much harsh treatment of others is that people hate themselves. They don’t see themselves as good enough or worthy enough, and they project the same attitude toward those around them!
If you are all that is on your mind, then your thinking is very small! When you place your hurts in the hands of Jesus, then you’re free to heal the hurts of others. What He has done for you is now your privilege to do for others.