The Lord our Peace

God has revealed Himself as Jehovah-Shalom, which means the Lord is our Peace. Shalom means nothing broken, nothing missing. It means completeness (in number); safety, soundness (in body), welfare, health, prosperity, peace, quiet, tranquility, and contentment. He wants to be all these things to you! Receive His peace!

You Are Being Watched

Throughout our lives as believers, a very important message we can “preach” to those around us is the example of our lifestyle. People notice when we don’t react or breakdown under pressure, standing on the faithfulness of God’s Word in every situation until we see the deliverance of the Lord!

Thinking Poison Will Kill You!

Thoughts can be deadly. Even in the natural process of healing our thought life plays a direct role in the chemicals released into the rest of the body. Wrong thinking can be a toxic killer if allowed to make deep ruts in our thinking. This means if you allow lust, anger, hatred, envy and jealousy to dominate your thought life, the poison they contain has the power to destroy your life.

NO Fear!

There is no reason for us to lay down and be afraid in these times in which we’re living!  There is no reason for us to allow the devil to torment us with fear, because the Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 1:7 that God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind—and THAT is the truth!

Crucified With Christ

Paul had an interesting view of himself. He thought of himself as a man who had died and awakened to a second chance at life. He considered himself a dead man, yet still breathing. Dead men do not get offended at other men. Dead men do not scream back when they are screamed at. Dead men can be poked, kicked, mocked, and spit upon, and they still do not respond. The devil and his followers have no weapons when Christians do not respond in fear to their evil threats and actions.

What Do You See?

Moses sent 12 men to spy out the Promised Land. Ten of the spies saw themselves as grasshoppers in the sight of the giants that lived there. Two of the spies had a different perspective. They remembered what God had said and knew that NO giants could defeat them (Numbers 14:9 KJV). Where is your perspective right now? Has something become a giant in your life?

Don’t Listen to a Liar

In these days in which we’re living, it’s vitally important to understand that Satan has NO power! The only so-called power he has is what we relinquish to him when we believe his lies over the Word of the Living God!

Living From the Inside Out

In the dynamics of life there should be evidence of a person’s innermost being. Who we are on the inside will eventually pop out, and it usually happens in the moments we don’t plan for!

Tea gives its flavor when put in hot water. It’s usually in pressing moments that our inner self reveals outer fruit. In times of fear, faith will paint a picture for the future in the believer. In times of sickness, confidence in the Healer will emerge. In times of anger, peace will calm the storm within. In times of wrongdoing, forgiveness will cover the multitude of sin.

This fruit will show up on a believer’s tree. It is not the fruit of a charismatic, Pentecostal, Baptist, Evangelical, Catholic or any other denomination. It is the fruit of a Christian with Jesus Christ alive on the inside!


This question can be one of the most informative or one of the most destructive questions we can ask. When it comes to discovery, this question has opened the door to fabulous inventions and modern technologies. But when it comes to life and death, the question “Why?” causes many a soul to sink to levels of depression never before experienced. Some aspects of the question “Why?” which pertain to death, dying and destruction will never be resolved until one day when we stand before the creator of humanity.

How do we come to grasp with these issues of ‘why’?  First, understand that God is not the creator of evil, but it issues forth from the heart of humanity that is separated from God by sin. Second, recognize that from the very beginning of time there has been a force of evil (Satan) determined to destroy the very creation that God holds as the apple of his eye. Third, realize that it was only the deepest love that created humans different from all creation giving us the faculties of reason, will, humor, imagination, words and decision-making capabilities—and with these abilities come great responsibilities for life, family, country and even our earth.

So today, let’s turn our ‘whys’ in life into a “Why Not?” and turn the negativity of depression into the positivity of expression! If you’re down and don’t understand, choose to release this situation to the Lord and find the good that remains in the life or lives around you!

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov 18:21 NIV).

A Transformed Life

One of my mission trips took me to the deepest part of Siberia, Russia. While the ice still held its bitter grip on the streets, we conducted a conference to which everyone was welcome.

In the middle of my message, I noticed a small, timid man quietly sit down in the back row. (I later learned his name was Boris, from the city of Neryungry.) I felt impressed to say, “If you are a street cleaner, be a great street cleaner for God!”

Tears welled up in his eyes. When I spoke to him after the meeting, he told me he was a street cleaner. He also confessed that he had been on his way that morning to kill himself with the gun he still had in his possession. But as he walked by the building where I was preaching, he overheard the strange sound of a foreigner. Filled with curiosity, he entered. I spoke directly to his heart. Then Jesus spoke to him and said, “Boris, I love you. Go into the ministry and write a book.”

Boris began to weep. He said, “Kevin, will you help me write a book?” I told him I must go on to the next city, but that I would pray for his new life and success.

Seven years later, as I held on to a railing on a train in Moscow’s underground transit system on which nine million people travel each day, I turned and looked into the eyes of a man whose gaze was riveted on me.

“Boris, is that you?” I asked.

He leapt to his feet, hugged me, and cried, “It is! It is!”

“What are you doing here so far away from your hometown?” I asked. He said he was finishing up his Bible school education and was on his way to pastor a church! Then he reminded me, “I am going to write that book!” Recently I met him, and he now heads up a significant ministry to the Jews.

There is nothing like the power of a transformed life! It is a life that has found value, purpose, and a friend in Jesus. God offers a new image to all humanity, while breathing His life into all who will call upon the name of the Savior, Jesus!