A Gift of Forgiveness

Terri Roberts was sitting on the patio when she heard sirens and helicopters in the distance. As she normally did when she heard the sirens, Terri prayed for the responders, finished her lunch and returned to work. Moments later she received a phone call from her husband. Come to Charlie’s house now.

Driving to her 32 year old son’s house she heard the report of 10 girls shot in the nearby Amish school. When Terri arrived at the house, she saw her husband speaking to a state trooper. Her first question…is Charlie alive? NO.

It was October 2, 2006, Terri’s son had just shot 10 Amish school girls and then took his own life. Five of the girls were dead, five injured and one would forever be a paraplegic. Bitter at God over his wife’s miscarriage, Terri’s son had directed his rage towards these young girls.

What goes through the mind of a mother who finds their child responsible for such a tragedy? How would you react?

Terri went home later that day and collapsed into a fetal position. Her husband buried his head in a towel crying so hard that he injured the skin on his face!

Something happened that night in the Roberts’ home. An Amish neighbor came over to offer his love and comfort. Terri witnessed this “Angel Dressed in Black”—the Amish are known for their customary black clothing—consoling her husband. Their visitor reassuringly said, ‘Roberts, we love you,’ and immediately she knew that her husband would heal.

Bernard Meltzer says, “When you forgive, you in no way change the past—but you sure do change the future.”

That night Terri Roberts and her husband were introduced to the greatest gift imaginable—forgiveness—the power to live another day!

Are You A Toxic Thinker?

In 2006 we were conducting meetings in Puerto Rico. One particular medical doctor noticed that his patients were being healed and took great interest in the miracles. Even though he was initially skeptical, he realized our emphasis on people connecting with Jesus would bring freedom from stress, and often people didn’t even recognize they were healed!  God’s peace had entered their spirit, soul and bodies, and with His presence came healing.

This doctor told us that of the female patients he treats, many convince themselves that they are sick. Interestingly, often when running the required tests to identify a problem, he finds nothing. Yet in a matter of a few weeks or months, the same patients will return with evidence of the illnesses they were convinced already existed.

Research shows that DNA actually changes shape according to our thoughts. As you think negative thoughts, toxic thinking re-wires your brain in a negative direction, forcing your mind and body into stress.  On the contrary, every positive thought releases life-giving chemicals.  Imagine what the brain does when you smell a rose or look at a beautiful picture, or when you read the word of God! Jesus is called the “Prince of Peace,” and when an individual receives His life into their spirit His presence fills them—often driving out sicknesses and disease.

No Matter What

On December 7, 1988, an earthquake devastated the northwestern section of Armenia, killing an estimated 25,000 – 50,000 people. After the earthquake, a father rushed to his son’s school only to discover that the school had been flattened. The father remembered dropping off his son earlier that day, and as he did every day he told his son, “No matter what, I’ll always be here for you!”

When the father saw the school he feverishly began removing rubble from where he believed his son’s classroom had been. The other parents were wailing, “My son!” “My daughter!” Some even told the father to go home, that there was no chance any of the students were alive. But the father replied, “I made my son a promise that I’d be there for him anytime he needed me. I must continue to dig.”

Courageously, he proceeded alone. He simply had to know—is my boy alive or is he dead? With seemingly supernatural strength, this father continued to dig…for 8 hours…12 hours…24 hours…36 hours.

Then, in the 38th hour, he heaved away a heavy piece of rubble and heard voices. “Armand!” he screamed. “Dad! It’s me—Armand! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you’d save us! Dad, take them out first, I know you’ll be here for me!”

Moments later the father was helping his son Armand and 13 other frightened, hungry, thirsty boys and girls climb out of the debris. How could this happen? When the building collapsed, these children had been spared in a tent-like pocket. When the townspeople praised Armand’s dad, his explanation was, “I promised my son, ‘No matter what, I’ll be there for you!'”

The ancient scriptures say, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”


Scripture: Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)


Power Phrases (Part 3)

Today we look at the last of our three Power-Phrases that will help you overcome the obstacles and hindrances you will encounter on the way to realizing your dream.

Power-Phrase #3:  The difference between great and small people is that while all may fall, small people just fall, but great people get up again.

You see, positive thinking is the power to look at your situation and find just one positive aspect, one positive thought that you can hold on to in order to transform your negative situation into an opportunity!

Regardless of what you may face today remember this, never give up! You may be at the end of your rope but remember—one positive thought has the power to loosen the grip of impossibility and propel you forward into possibility!

Power Phrases (Part 1)

Have you ever considered how to generate a positive thought? Over the next three days I want to introduce 3 “Power-Phrases” for you to frequently recite. Allow them to fill your sails with the wind of positive expectation!

Power-Phrase #1: Tough times never last, but tough people do. 

This phrase comes from the title of one of over 37 books authored by Dr. Robert Schuller, pioneer of the first televised church service.

Living positive in a negative world, or developing positivethinking patterns in difficult situations, provides the creative energy and stamina necessary to tackle life’s biggest challenges.

You may be thinking, if you only knew the problems I’m facing!  Well, Dr. Schuller’s family certainly had their own share of problems. His own father, at the age of 60, lost everything when a devastating tornado destroyed their livestock, their crops, their family home and their barn. Nothing was left! Ten farms were utterly destroyed by that storm—only one man rebuilt! http://bit.ly/1Jvt5rc

It’s Good For You!

Recently a leading global medical research institute listed the following benefits that can be attributed to positive thinking:

  • Lower rates of depression
  • Longer life expectancy
  • Increased resistance to the common cold
  • Lower risk of heart disease and related death
  • Better overall psychological health
  • Lower stress levels
  • Better stress management and coping skills
  • Increased physical well-being

These facts alone should enthuse you about the real life benefits of thinking positively. One positive thought can indeed cultivate the dream that is in your heart!  http://bit.ly/1FcdCOj

Solving Problems for Others

Four things happen when I solve problems for others:

  • First, I recognize that I have the ability to provide solutions.
  • Second, this instills a confidence which inspires me to resolve my own difficulties.
  • Third, I recognize that I can believe in myself because there is someone greater that also believes in me.
  • Lastly, my victories often open doors of victory for others.

Remember when facing personal difficulties that you have a teammate! Don’t be self-absorbed when seeing the problems that others face.  Gordon Hinckley said, “…the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves…if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves.”

Mastering Your Emotions

I know from personal experience the importance of attitudes and self-regulation. As a college athlete and team captain, many times my emotions would have to take a back seat for the sake of the team and the game before us.

I remember an entire stadium with thousands of people jeering at me as I walked across basketball floor. My maiden name “Clutts” pronounced “klutz,” means the clumsy one. The fans in that city were cruel as they began to jeer at me, the KLUTZ!

But something rose up in my heart; an emotional cue—a strength and awareness that demanded that I stand erect, strong, and focused—not only for me but for the sake of my team. An awareness of who I was, along with the reality of God within me, reminded me that all things were possible and allowed me to keep my emotions in check.

Where Do You Live?

No one allowing their mind to be ruled by their senses can have victorious faith, because they live in a realm of uncertainty.

Until God’s Word gains control of our minds, we’ll be swayed by feelings and by the things we see and hear, rather than by the Word of God.

The Benefit of Mistakes

Haste has ruined many a budding love story and many prosperous business partnerships. We live with a God who has planned the universe, and He has some long range plans for you. Build your life with an expectation that He is building it with you—don’t get in a hurry and take the detour of mistakes!