How do you begin to live a life of consistent results? Begin with your thoughts! Fill the treasure chest of your mind with the truth and expectation from God’s Word, instead of the thoughts of fear and dread the world is continually trying to infect you with. When you make a practice of this, life will begin to look as bright on the outside as you are making it on the inside!
What does the world need? They need a revelation of the Father from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world.” Do you truly understand how powerful that is, or have you just skimmed over the surface of it? Has it simply been a recitation, or do you realize that this love broke the power of every demonic power that exists?
God believes in us and has entrusted us with His Gospel. He believes we can communicate to the world, and He believes we have the stuff to overcome all obstacles and devils! Do YOU believe it?
The Word of God is the truth, so it must be our standard as the absolute truth we live by. No matter how different the natural facts may appear, the reality is that God’s Word IS and ALWAYS WILL BE the final and absolute truth in every situation!
We are soldiers—we have the belt of truth, the shield of righteousness and shoes of peace (Ephesians 6). We know that God will answer our prayers (1 John 5:14-15). We will not be afraid; we know that God will not leave us (Deuteronomy 31:8). He will take care of us, because He said in His Word, “By His wounds you are healed …” (Isaiah 53:5). In other words, we have been given everything we need to live in victory!
If you are a believer and are being stalked by fear, you must turn around and face that fear and say, “In the Name of JESUS, fear, YOU LEAVE ME NOW! You have no control over me because my heavenly Father’s arms are wrapped around me and He has saved me, delivered me, and set me free!”
The things you give attention to will grow and become stronger, and what you don’t pay attention to will diminish. If the giants in your life feel like they’re about to crush you, it’s time to adjust your focus over to the Word of God, and Jesus Christ, the giant slayer that lives in you!
God didn’t hold you guilty, He held Jesus guilty. Jesus went to the cross and paid the sin debt for all of humanity. When you accept this gift and receive Him as your Savior, you can walk away from shame and guilt and fear by going directly to God and giving it all to Him. You’ve been set free!
If we don’t learn to see through the eyes of our faith we will only see our need. Faith doesn’t look at the need, faith looks at the seed of God’s Word as the supply for every situation!
In the days we’re currently living in, it’s vitally important to understand that Satan has NO power! The only so-called power he has is what we relinquish to him when we believe his lies over the Word of the Living God!