God is FOR you! He gave you the gift of eternal life so you would have peace of mind about your future. He gave you His promises for every area of your life so you would know His best for you. God is not hard, He is benevolent!
If you will train yourself to develop the habit of looking for beauty in the midst of chaos, difficulty and discouragement, you can rise up out of stagnation and hopelessness and find renewed courage and hope!
You are not what you appear to be as you go about your day. Never forget that you are empowered by the living God, and that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives within you!
When the twelve spies came back from the Promised Land, ten of them couldn’t conceive of themselves winning in a battle with giants. Why? Because they saw themselves as grasshoppers. God was for them, but they were against themselves. See yourself achieving the impossible!
You can change negative thoughts in a moment with your words, because your mind can’t think a different thought than your mouth is speaking. Look in God’s Word for what you should be saying; He always has a positive answer!
You can actually enjoy the process of going through tough moments by looking for the good in them. The things you can change, by all means change, but the things you cannot change should not have the right to dominate your life!
The Spirit of God within us inspires us with His thoughts, which equips us to face all of the evils of darkness with the same calmness, confidence, and presence of mind that Jesus demonstrated.
Jesus is not only with the Christian but He is IN the Christian—yet many are full of fears and worries, gloom and doom, waiting for a bail out by something “bigger and better.” It’s only when you know Who is WITH you and IN you that you will rise to new levels of confidence!
It’s important for us to understand that there are no limitations or boundaries drawn where God “categorizes” a sickness as being simple or difficult. The power of the Lord is present to heal now, even as you are reading this. And that healing power covers EVERY manner of infirmity, and every manner of disease!
So often our circumstances shout, “This is impossible!” “It’s over!” “You’re wasting your time!” Sometimes your closest friends or even your spouse might say, “This is stupid, what are you doing? This faith stuff isn’t working!” I plead with you—at that moment when it’s very hard and you think you will fail and want to quit—BELIEVE in the Word of God and DON’T GIVE UP!!