Giant Who?

Why would Christ die on a cross and take my sin if He didn’t have a plan for my success? Everyone should be planning for success, because the One who lives in you by His Spirit defeated your enemy! 

The truth is that those things that appear as giants to you are looked upon as NOTHING to God. And because God lives in you, there is defeat in the heart of your enemies who attempt stand in the way of the plans and purposes God desires for your life!

Speak to Your Storms

If you’re feeling like a panicked disciple out in the middle of the sea in a foundering ship, remember: there is One greater than the stormy seas and He lives inside you! He holds the earth with all of its seas in the palm of His hand! Speak to those storms just as Jesus did, and put your trust in Him to bring you to safe harbor!


Reset and Reconnect

What can you do when you find yourself disconnected with yourself, your dreams, your past, and your family? There is always a way back! You have been left with a letter from heaven; a voice from a place that is unchanging, a book of ideas that are confirmed to all who choose to believe them. Locate yourself in the Bible and preach it to yourself!

Keep an Attitude of Gratitude

With an attitude of gratitude, we can soar to the heights where new hope, new strength and new life are found. Today, let’s celebrate and be thankful for the SIMPLE things of life no matter how insignificant they may seem!

The Path to Peace

Train your thoughts on JESUS! Change your words to what GOD says! The scriptures are clear, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).

You Are Different!

If you are born again there may be darkness all around you, but you are light because the light giver lives in you! There may be curses all around you but you are blessed! There may be bondage all around you but you are free!

Have You Forgotten?

It is obvious to see when the world believes in the message of Jesus Christ more than many Christians do. They demonstrate it with laws forbidding believers to gather or to speak, because they are afraid of the power they represent! What do they know that many Christians have forgotten? Jesus will confirm that He is alive!

By Grace Through Faith

Why is knowing God’s Word so important? Because God’s Word is His will, and when we learn what God has already done for us and provided to us through His grace, we can use our faith to confidently receive those things that are already ours!

Adjust Your Focus

If you make a habit of focusing on the physical evidence in your body or the appearance of the circumstances around you, more than on what the Word of God says, your life will reflect the reality and the results of that pattern of believing!


Many people believe in Jesus but are scared of the devil. I am not afraid of the devil because God lives in me! I am saved! I am healed! I have been delivered! I have been set free! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead NOW LIVES IN ME!