The Rules of the Road

When Jesus was training His followers He sent them out to the villages, towns and cities, telling them to take no extra clothing, money or food. Go and preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick, demonstrating God’s plan and God’s love (Luke 10:1-9, author’s paraphrase). They obeyed, and discovered that God could be trusted to take care of them. I believe that when we practice His simple “road rules” in our own lives, we will always see His hand of provision!

You Can’t Break the Bank

God has more than enough healing, peace, and finances for anyone seeking them. He is NOT limited, and we will certainly NEVER break the bank of heaven!

Jesus Believes in You

Jesus believes in us, so we should believe in ourselves. We should not be nervous, worried, or doubtful of His willingness to get to us all that He has already provided!

Release to Increase

Oxygen is a good example of God’s principle of abundance. We all enjoy it to our hearts content with one condition: to get more we first have to exhale. We have to release what we have in order to get more. This is the secret of increase!

Victory Ahead

If you are depressed—take hope in God! He promises to strengthen you with His righteous right arm! If you are jobless—dare to declare that He WILL connect you with the job you require! If you are in debt—dare to declare you are debt free! Trust Him to guide you to the victories you need!

Remember God’s Faithfulness

When your faith is tested, think about all that God has done to bring you to where you are today. Remember the wonderful testimonies you have heard from others of God’s intervention in their circumstances, and confess that He is able to do it for you!

You’re Already Rich!

A lot of people are waiting on God to do something in their finances. They’re waiting on a word. They’re waiting on a sign. They’re waiting on a prophecy or on a special anointing, but God has already provided all things that pertain to life and godliness through His sacrifice (2 Peter 1:3).  Jesus became the curse so you would be the blessed (Galatians 3:13)!


He’s Everything You Need

The resurrected Jesus saw His followers out fishing. They needed to make some money. They needed to eat. What did He say to them? “I know where the provision is.” The Kingdom of God is provision. Jesus says to us, “Throw your net on the right side. You’re looking in the wrong place. I know where you need to go. I know what you need to do. I want to give you my ideas.”

What does that mean?  God knows where all the provision is for your ministry. And when you pray, He is giving you those ideas.  He is saying, “Cast your net on the right side. I know where it is. I know where all the gold is buried in the earth. I know where to find all the opportunities around you. Believe in Me! Respond to My words!”

There is no lack in the Kingdom of God, and you are in that kingdom.  I am not like the unbeliever who is nervous, worried, and fearful saying, “I don’t have enough! I can’t do it! I don’t have the people! I don’t have the favor! I don’t have the knowledge!”

No! I have God! God knows where everything is, and He is bringing it across my path!


We Celebrate You!

“[I thank my God] for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership) in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day [you heard it] until now…” Phil 1:5 AMP.

Today we are celebrating you, our partner. This great Christian Adventure we have embarked upon together is having untold impact among the nations. You are a change agent for thousands of lives each year! Your love for the lost and hurting expressed through your giving is you going to the field.

Billy Graham once said that the paycheck you bring home each week represents the value of what you did with your time that week. When you take a portion of that check and give it to a ministry, you are giving away a portion of your life. In other words, you are sowing yourself into the field through the time you have given to produce the income that you are now releasing into the nations.

Wow! Our time is our most precious commodity. Your giving is not just a check you stick in the mail or a contribution you make on-line. It is the energy of your life force given to GOD for HIS work—which has now become your work!

Friend, when you partner with this ministry this is your seed—your life touching the Nations! We celebrate you and never forget your compassionate cooperation with GOD’S plan—our plan for reaching the world!

The Answer to Your Need is in Your Seed

The natural world reflects the spiritual world. In nature we see all things working on the seed principle. What is that? Everything makes progress.

Every time we conduct a crusade meeting people will come with their tumors and heart disease. They come on crutches and in wheel chairs wanting an instant miracle and making the preacher out to be a magician, but we are not magicians. We are farmers with good seed and the heart of people is our soil.

Don’t blame the farmer if the seed doesn’t give an instant crop, and don’t blame the seed if it is good seed just taking time to produce. The problem is usually in the type of soil the seed is in. If you just keep the seed in the soil it will grow. Seeds always want to progress.

God has given us “Word seed” for every need if we will just let the seed do its work in our heart, and expect that it is working whether we see results today or not.