Alive and Willing

Scripture says that “all who touched Jesus were healed.” So, is God willing? We see in the story of the leper whom Jesus put forth His hand and healed that yes, He is willing.

The Healer who walked 2,000 years ago among the people in the villages of Judea is today the very same — alive, willing to come into your world and heal you now. Is God willing? Yes! He is reaching out to you today!

Where’s the Miracles?

Jesus was not ashamed of the fact that He needed miracles to validate His ministry. He said, “If I do not the works of My Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in Him” (John 10:37-38). There is no stronger statement that He made concerning the need for miracles in ministry. The church has settled for something far less.

A good example would be the old Wendy’s Hamburgers commercial where the woman demands, “Where’s the beef?!!” The church has settled for a knowledge of the miracle worker without the miracles! Where are the works?  Have we settled for a meatless hamburger?

If Jesus needed miracles to validate His ministry how much more do you need miracles to validate your ministry? Why should someone of another religion leave their religion and accept your Jesus as the way and the truth? They have a black book and you have a black book. They have morals and you have morals. They have a history and you have a history. What do you have that they don’t have? The answer is a living Jesus and the proof of that is miracles!

Christianity is the only form of worship in the world that can be validated by miracles which no witchdoctor or psychologist can duplicate. The whole history of God’s intervention in the affairs of mankind as recorded in Hebrew scripture is that of miraculous intervention. Jesus continued the tradition of miracles and we, His followers after Him, are to continue in the same way!

From No Hope to New Life

Jesus sees the hidden potential in people. We have seen thousands of people find their dignity again.

One of the most amazing was an institutional drunk in Chernovtsy, Ukraine who wandered into our tent looking for a drink. He thought the tent was a bar and He stayed long enough to hear the message, which then gripped his heart with a glimmer of hope. He made the decision to follow Christ and something changed in him.

He went back to the hospital and told his four friends of the power he experienced in the tent. They all came the next night and received a powerful new birth. These men were all institutional drunks with no hope from society.

We desperately needed ushers because 3,000 people showed up and all we had were 3 ushers. When the born again drunks showed up I put them to work as ushers. At the institute they were given daily rations of alcohol, but they didn’t want to drink anymore and the doctors were confused. They had never seen an institutional alcoholic go free, so they kept pressing them for their secret. Sasha explained to the doctors that the Americans preached and Jesus had set them free.

The doctors wouldn’t receive their testimony and instead started a rumor that the Americans had put chips in the inmates, and that we were controlling the drunks with “new technology.” Well, we DID use something new…the NEW LIFE from heaven!

Signs and Wonders in the Philippines

Scripture says, “My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power” (1 Corinthians 2:4).

In our early years of global ministry, Leslie and I opened up an event in southern Philippines. Only one feeble little 80 year-old woman who was 90% deaf, losing her eyesight and walking with a cane showed up for the event. She hadn’t gotten the message that the authorities had forbidden everyone in town from coming to hear us.

We preached to her like it was a full crowd. We could see all the windows open and people listening from the safety of their homes. At the end of the message we prayed for this  little woman and God did a miracle in her life. Strength returned to her bones and she could dance, hear and see! With great joy we let her testify in our loudspeakers, reading and repeating words to show what Jesus had done. Despite the threat from the authorities, the next night was overflowing with townspeople and great joy filled that place. Thousands were baptized in the ocean as they rejoiced!

This way of preaching is what turned the world upside down in the early church. In the book of Acts we see where Philip the evangelist won a whole city when God confirmed His message. Even the famous witch doctors wanted the power they saw in Philip and Peter. Jesus gives the idea of God working with man confirming His word on the world stage. “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” (Mark 16:20).

The Answer to Your Need is in Your Seed

The natural world reflects the spiritual world. In nature we see all things working on the seed principle. What is that? Everything makes progress.

Every time we conduct a crusade meeting people will come with their tumors and heart disease. They come on crutches and in wheel chairs wanting an instant miracle and making the preacher out to be a magician, but we are not magicians. We are farmers with good seed and the heart of people is our soil.

Don’t blame the farmer if the seed doesn’t give an instant crop, and don’t blame the seed if it is good seed just taking time to produce. The problem is usually in the type of soil the seed is in. If you just keep the seed in the soil it will grow. Seeds always want to progress.

God has given us “Word seed” for every need if we will just let the seed do its work in our heart, and expect that it is working whether we see results today or not.

Show and Tell

Every child knows about show and tell in school, but God wants us to demonstrate it in real life.  We have thought in the past that the witness of God was a good sermon, but that’s only half the story. Paul said what needs to be done is to tell the whole story “through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Ilyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:19).

Think about this, have you preached the Gospel until you see mighty signs and wonders?  We have settled for a word when God wants us to be a wonder! The Word of God says that we will receive power to be a witness (Acts 1:8). The witness of God is not a tongue or a good lifestyle. The witness of God is something only God’s power can produce…miracles!

Many have said that the day of the big show is over and now God does everything in the local church, but that’s not Jesus’ ministry. God likes to show off!  He showed the soldiers of Jerusalem that He could not be held in a grave.  He showed Peter’s jailer that He could not be held in a jail.  He showed the religious world of Israel that He could not be held in a temple.  He wants you and me to tell and show that Jesus is alive.  If you are going to be effective, there should be a demonstration of what you speak!

Freedom is Always Tested

Freedom is never a reality until it is tested.  In the Constitutions of most countries you will see flowery words of individual rights and freedoms but they mean nothing until they are attempted by individuals in that society.  Freedom of speech, freedom to travel, and freedom to work are assumed rights, but they are often challenged by controlling people.

At the turn of the century America’s freedom of religion was tested by a foreigner named Alexander Dowie.  He came from Australia with a healing message for this country which prides itself in its freedoms, and he was arrested over 100 times for all sorts of reasons, like practicing medicine without a license or disturbing the peace.  All those arrests were illegal, but someone had to pay the price to test the system to see if the freedom written in the books was in reality a freedom you could experience.

Egypt kept Israel in bondage for 400 years.  It was long enough to make them forget how a free person thinks.  When they had an opportunity to be free men they wanted to return to the security of the chains in Egypt.

If a Christian is in bondage it is not because the devil is so strong, but rather their will to walk free is too weak.  They will need to continually hear that Jesus has set them free and that they can stand in that freedom, until it gets down in their spirit and reprograms their thinking.

After the Emancipation Proclamation first ordered the freedom of over 3 million slaves, they were given the opportunity to become legally free if they escaped the control of their slave masters.  However, many died on those same farms under the whip of the owners because they were afraid to risk failure as free people.  Remember, who the Son sets free is free indeed!

Peace and Healing

We have received many testimonies of people who received their healing as they discovered the reality that Christ died for them.

How does this happen? When they call on the name of the Lord for salvation from their sins, they are united with their heavenly Father and peace enters into their hearts. This peace replaces the turmoil and stress that has plagued their lives, and when that peace enters in something happens…their bodies are instantly healed!

Many times they don’t even know when the healing happened. They only realize that the Prince of Peace now lives in them, their sins are forgiven, and peace is now reigning in their physical bodies!

“I Can See!”

Many people don’t receive their healing because they do not understand the continuum of time.

I can think of many instances of this in our meetings from around the world, one particular woman in Kazakhstan comes to mind. She was a worker at the Italian embassy and had a vision problem, needing glasses in order to read properly. She had been attending the healing meetings during the week and was hopeful that something would happen, but so far had not noticed any changes.

We would serve tea on the breaks, and this woman came up in the line behind my husband to get her cup of tea. I remember this very specifically, she picked up the tea bag and when she did, she began to shout, “I can see! I can see! I can see!”

She had prayed for the healing for her eyes and though it did not happen instantaneously, later in the week she picked up the teabag and could read the fine print on that teabag.

When did her healing begin? Her healing began on the day that healing was ministered to her—on the day that she believed she received!


Speak to Your Symptoms

By faith you can receive your miracle from God. Confess God’s Word over your life, “By His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). In faith come to God in prayer and say, “Lord, in Your Word You said that by the stripes of Jesus I am healed. I believe and I receive my healing from You!”

You know, sometimes I don’t feel well either. For example, if I have a cold and my throat is sore and I can hardly lift my head off the pillow, my flesh wants to be sick and stay in bed too. But instead, I start proclaiming the Word of God, “In Jesus’ name, I am healed by the stripes of Jesus! I strongly believe in it and I thank you, Lord, that You are touching me with Your healing power! And now, body, listen to me…” And I start speaking to my body, head, throat and to all the symptoms. I proclaim that I simply cannot be sick because I am already healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ.

This is my faith. This is what Jesus calls “faith,” and it’s very important!