Why Miracles?

Miracles reveal God’s desire to meet the needs of His people.

Miracles demonstrate of the will of God.

Miracles confirm the words we speak.

Miracles are proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


You Are A Powerhouse!

Jesus said, “You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” This is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, defeated Satan in hell, and provides the same dynamic results that Jesus experienced while on earth!

Miracles Are For Everyone!

Miracles are not meant to be a special happening available to only a few people. Miracles are available today and they demonstrate that God is alive and not dead!

What Just Happened?

When a person recognizes how much God loves them and they call on the name of Jesus, He enters into their heart and brings peace with Him. At the moment that peace enters in, sickness and disease flee. The person may not even know when they were healed; they just know that something has happened in them.

Yours Eternally

Scripture tells us in the book of Hebrews that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What does that mean for you? That means that if two thousand years ago He healed, He forgave sin, He died for one person—then throughout all of time and eternity this same Jesus died for you, forgave you, loves you, lives to give you life, and came back from the dead so you could experience all that He has for you.

Faith Is…

Faith is BELIEVING when all apparent indicators tell you that things are not possible! Faith is KNOWING that regardless of what your body or circumstances are telling you, that God has a different outcome for your story!

Your Place

This is the day before Christmas. On this day approximately 2,000 years ago Joseph was feeling very out of place, because he could not find lodging in Bethlehem for his pregnant wife. There is Good News for those who feel out of place in today’s world. Those who feel like they have misplaced their destiny, or replaced it with an ordinary “just get by” existence.

There is a place where nothing is impossible for you. There is a place where sickness cannot stay. There is a place where you are equipped with more than enough to answer every need of every good work. There is a place where peace, dignity and love rule in your daily walk. There is a place where you do as Jesus did.

Jesus is inviting you to stand in that place if you are feeling out of place like Joseph. That place is not far from you. It is called the Kingdom of God. Jesus said it is at hand. Paul said it is within you. When you call on Jesus He comes to live in you, and He makes you the place where all things are possible!

You Can Let It Go!

If you have any unforgiveness in your heart, or if you’ve been unable to forgive yourself, right now you can pray this with me: “Jesus I ask You to take the pain that is in my heart. Help me forgive the people who have violated me. Forgive me Lord for those whom I have violated. I ask You right now to forgive me and to cleanse me and to come into my heart to help my emotions, bring Your divine love to my heart today. Release me from my sin and restore my hope.”

If you prayed this prayer I want you to know your heart has been opened to the love of God, and He will be that healing salve that you need when you face tragedy and unforgiveness.

Go to my website today, www.LeslieMcNulty.com and look for our resources. You can find new hope for new life today and resources that will strengthen you on your course to recovery.

Forgiveness is Good for You!

Perhaps you can think of someone that you have wronged? Or perhaps someone has wronged you? If you have not allowed yourself to forgive you may be affecting your health! Are you an angry person? Have you considered the negative impact anger has on your health?  According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, when you’re chronically angry you’re in a fight-or-flight mode—which can have effects on blood pressure and heart rate.

Forgiveness can get you out of the anger mode and eliminate harmful toxins that may be damaging your body. When you learn to forgive, your heart will thank you—because forgiveness has been shown to lower blood pressure.  A 2011 study of married couples in the Journal of Personal Relationships, showed that when the victim in the situation forgave the other person, both experienced a decrease in blood pressure.

5 Steps to Forgiveness (Part 3)

Today we continue with the last three steps toward discovering emotional forgiveness.

Step # 3 is to become altruistic, or selfless, by giving the gift of forgiveness. Jesus Christ gave the greatest gift of forgiveness when He took our transgressions upon His body and died for us! He did nothing wrong, but God so loved us that He sent His Son to pay the price for our sin.

Christ’s words spoken on the cross ring out through eternity, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Isn’t this ultimately the voice of unconditional forgiveness, and doesn’t this give us the power to forgive?  Sometimes in order to offer the gift of forgiveness we must remember or value an instance when someone else forgave us.

Step #4 Once you make the decision to offer the gift of forgiveness, Worthington suggests committing to public forgiveness. This can be done through writing in a journal, telling a friend, creating a certificate of forgiveness or even telling the individual that wronged you.

Step #5 is to hold on to forgiveness. Psychologists say that forgiveness is not forgetting, but rather, forgiveness is a decision. Memories of the wrong incurred and the associated negative feelings will arise, but hold on to forgiveness! Remind yourself that you made a decision to forgive!

Scripture:  Luke 23:34