Permanently in His Presence

We are now seated at the right hand of God, permanently in the presence of God! It’s NOT something that we have to atone for or “measure up” to be there! Our sins were wiped out permanently! We must believe what we see in the Word of God that says we are raised up above all sickness, disease, poverty, lack, fear, weakness, every diagnosis and anything that would come against us!

Your Testimony

Never underestimate the importance of your personal testimony, no matter how small it may seem. The potential of your words in a heart that is ready to receive it is as explosive as one little match in a mountain of dry wood!


Scripture says in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. And again, I say rejoice!” These are victory keys! Take any unbelief, expose it and bring it before God. It’s real and it’s attacking your mind. And then give glory to God, rejoicing in what belongs to us in the name of Jesus. And your faith shall be made strong!

Believe What God Tells You!

The devil and his world system cannot hold back what God has promised for His children! Your part is to start each day with fresh expectation, believing and focusing on what God’s Word has promised to you as His dearly loved child!

Dump the Doubt!

Many times it’s not that we need more faith, it’s that we need to recognize when unbelief is standing between us and the promise of God. This is when we put the Word of God in our mouths and say, “All things are possible for the one who believes (Mark 9:23)! And I believe, so doubt, you move out of my way NOW in the name of Jesus!”

Reach Out and Receive

I want to encourage you today to expect God to answer you when you cry out for His mercy. He’s waiting on US—He’s already done everything that He could possibly ever do! Now it’s OUR opportunity to reach out and to grab by faith this mercy that has been provided for us by the Merciful One, who has made everything we will ever need available to us today!

Relentless Victory

Jesus is still performing the miracles that He did 2,000 years ago on the shore of the Galilee through faithful believers like you and me. And, both then and now, Jesus is NOT intimidated by demons, sickness, sin, lack, or even death! He was, and continues to be, a Master over every circumstance, bringing victory into every situation!

Be the One

As you go through your day today, be the person to introduce Jesus to those caught up in the hectic rat race of this chaotic world. Be the warning light that causes them to take their foot off the gas and move it over to the brake. Be the important interruption between where they are now, and their final destination!

What the Mouth Speaks…

Our tongue is the unseen part of our body that plants the seeds for future harvests. It is guiding us to either a safe harbor, or to destruction. What we say of ourselves, our relationships, and our future is more prophetic of our life than anything even the greatest prophet could foretell!

Grasshoppers or God?

Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land. Ten of the spies saw themselves as mere grasshoppers in the sight of the giants that lived in the land. But two of the spies had a different perspective. They saw the giants through God’s eyes and declared, “these giants are bread for us!” (Numbers 14:9 KJV). When everyone around you is talking about giants, who are you going to believe—the grasshoppers, or GOD?