Speak to Your Future

As parents we shape the future of our children through our words. Why not shape our own future with the very words we speak? Today choose to speak words of life and healing over yourself!

Raised With Him

When we know and understand our exalted position, seated in heavenly places in Christ, we will identify more with the Christ who walked out of the tomb than with the Christ who died on the Cross!

A Change of Perspective

When we are aware of our position as seated with Christ in the heavenlies, we are no longer looking upward for help. We direct our words and authority downward toward those “mountains” on earth that are below us. A change of perspective can change our results!

Living the God Life

As Christians we may not feel any more holy, smart, merciful or powerful than we did before we accepted Jesus—but God’s Word says we are new people, new creations even! It’s vital to read the New Testament to discover the amazing truth of how God sees you as His child, so you can learn to live there confidently. Live where? In the land of forgiven, worthy, loved, accepted, capable, trusted—and that’s just the beginning!

Take Command!

Many people believe in Jesus but are scared of the devil. If you are born again, the devil should be afraid of you! Why? The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead NOW LIVES IN YOU! You are saved—you are healed—you have been delivered! You have been set free to walk in the same power and authority that Jesus did in the earth!

Half Full or Half Empty?

We’re living in a day when all we’re hearing from the world is talk of what we don’t have, used to have, would like to have or should have. In the midst of this “lack-speak,” It’s very important to take stock of what you DO have. If you are a child of God, then you know you have Jesus Christ living in you, which means ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Show Them Jesus

The unsaved world is not interested in our sermons, but they ARE interested in a Christ who will get involved in their individual lives. Introduce them to that Jesus!

Here You Are

Never let someone else tell you who you are! Just as Jesus found Himself in the scriptures, you can find yourself in the scriptures too. And when you do, you will discover who you are and who you are called to be!

How in the World?

Think about it—how can a human connected to the Creator of heaven and earth ever be without an idea? How can a person with the Spirit who raised Christ from the dead dwelling within them ever feel intimidated by another person or circumstance?

Start Paddling!

If you get into a boat and just sit there on the river, you’re going to go wherever the current takes you. But if you want to go somewhere new and different, you have to put the paddle in the water and go against the flow!