
Breathe the air of expectation! God has a lot to do in a little amount of time with us. Expect to see Him around the corner. Expect to hear Him and expect that He will speak through you when you open your mouth. We are all He has to work with, so expect Him to use you!

Time to Look Outside

The church has been very good at creating events WITHIN the church. We have wonderful food and entertainment, air-conditioning and flowers, and can teach and preach amongst ourselves without a problem. But the table we set is not supposed to be for ourselves…it is supposed to be for others who have not yet experienced the joy, peace, and beauty of being in the family of God. SET THE TABLE FOR THE WORLD!

Make Hell Tremble

Hell trembles at the voice of faith! Why? Because it has no effective weapon against a person who acts like the Bible is true—who believes that it will surely work just as it is written, and is applicable to every situation they will ever face!

The Giant Crusher Lives In You

Right now you and I can embrace the reality that no giant of sickness and disease, NO giant that comes against THE LIVING GOD, can exist in the presence of the One who lives in us, who believes in us, and who goes about doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the devil!


Tell It Like It Is

Every born-again believer is walking in this earth with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelling in them, quickening and giving life to their mortal body (Romans 8:11). We should be addressing sickness and disease with authority by commanding our bodies to line up with the Word of God and to be made whole!

You Have the Power

You as a child of God have been given dominion over viruses, bacteria, fungi, germs, and micro-organisms! You can speak to that life, cursing it at its root and commanding it to die, because it is not of God.  Sickness is from the devil, it’s an oppression that has come to destroy your life!

Giant Who?

Why would Christ die on a cross and take my sin if He didn’t have a plan for my success? Everyone should be planning for success, because the One who lives in you by His Spirit defeated your enemy! 

The truth is that those things that appear as giants to you are looked upon as NOTHING to God. And because God lives in you, there is defeat in the heart of your enemies who attempt stand in the way of the plans and purposes God desires for your life!

Closer Than a Brother

Everywhere we go Jesus goes, because He authorizes us as His followers to go in His name. God is basically saying to us, ”I’m on this journey with you. I’ll never leave you, I’ll never forsake you, and wherever you go I’m ready to go with you, because I am in you!”

Speak to Your Storms

If you’re feeling like a panicked disciple out in the middle of the sea in a foundering ship, remember: there is One greater than the stormy seas and He lives inside you! He holds the earth with all of its seas in the palm of His hand! Speak to those storms just as Jesus did, and put your trust in Him to bring you to safe harbor!


Believe What God Says!

God created us in His image with dignity and purpose. He created us to experience His love. He has entrusted us with His authority and only requires one thing from us—that we believe and trust His words to us!