Read it and Believe it!

God created us in His image with dignity and purpose. He created us to experience His love. He has entrusted us with His authority and only requires one thing from us—that we believe and trust His words to us!


In 1865, William and Catherine Booth started what would become known as the Salvation Army. They fed the poor and opened lodging houses to shelter the homeless from London’s bitter winters. As their work expanded, William began the practice of sending a telegram of encouragement each Christmas Eve to his “soldiers” around the world. In what would be his last telegram, he realized that because of the cost, his message would have to be brief. He decided to send only one word: “OTHERS.”  This Christmas season, allow Christ to dwell in you and live through you—and have a merry, OTHERS-minded Christmas!

Stay Connected

If a branch of a tree is abiding in the life of that tree, that means its connection to that tree is stable and fixed. When we are truly abiding in Christ then our connection should be stable and fixed, so like a healthy branch, we will grow, strengthen, and produce fruit!

How Much More!

Matthew 7:11 says, If you then being evil know how to give goods unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask Him?” Not only is God NOT using sickness, disease and lack as a tool to make us learn something, He clearly tells us that He has a great desire to answer our prayers and to meet our needs!

What More Could You Need?

What do you have that makes you rich? You have been given righteousness, which gives you a new self-image. You have been given authority, which is the right to exercise power over all sicknesses, all bondages and all demons!

Do You Have Your Father’s Eyes?

The choice is ours. If we won’t see and embrace the truth of how God sees us and thinks about us, we’ll be doomed to a life of perceiving ourselves as helpless, weak, and subject to circumstances. That’s called prison, and it’s NOT how God created us to live!

The Giant Inside

You are not what you appear to be as you go about your day. Never forget that you are empowered by the living God, and that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives within you!

Mind Sweeping

You can change negative thoughts in a moment with your words, because your mind can’t think a different thought than your mouth is speaking. Look in God’s Word for what you should be saying; He always has a positive answer!

Move Those Mountains!

You have the same faith that Jesus has. It is a faith that has confidence in the unseen and is not based on any evidence other than the Word of God. This faith moves mountains and brings answers to prayer!

Spiritual Powerhouses

When you believe in your heart and confess Christ as Savior, nothing can separate you from God. No sin can control you. No sickness can have authority over your life. God Himself lives in you!