A New Way of Thinking

Jeremiah said to God, “I can’t because I’m too young.”  Isaiah said, “I can’t because I am a man of unclean lips.”  David said, “I can’t because what are humans before you?”  Jesus was different. He said, I am and I can.  “I am from my Father and as my Father works so I work” (John 5:17). He has given us a new way of thinking about ourselves!

Spiritual Atmospheric Pressure

John 1:14 tells us that Jesus, the Word of God, became flesh. What does that mean for you and me? That means His Word is actually He Himself being released into the atmosphere around us. When we speak His words, He is filling our midst with His presence!

How Big is Your God?

God never changes but our perception of Him does.  You can limit Him to the size of your religion, your problem, or your bank account—OR you can also allow Him to be Almighty God!  He is the creator of the universe! Invite Him into your daily decisions. Proverbs 3:5 tells us that when we trust God and acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our paths!

The Imposter

In 1 Peter 5 the devil is called the adversary and is compared to a roaring lion. The devil threatens, the devil growls and tries to scare you, but he has no power—he can only attempt to intimidate you and silence your voice in the world!

The Real Deal

No other religion has its scribes read their holy books then expect their god to confirm what was just read.  When you preach with a confirmation of signs and wonders you will never have a problem getting a crowd to listen!

Make It Like Heaven

Jesus prayed: “Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; on earth as it is in heaven.” No sickness in heaven!  No poverty in heaven! No weakness in heaven! No tears in heaven!  If it doesn’t look like heaven, we are commissioned and empowered to change it!

Kingdom Living

There is a place in God where there is no shortage. There is a place where you are not dependent on the government, the economy, the mercy of others or your own manipulations to see the good life promised in scripture. Make this New Year the year you discover and dwell in Kingdom living!

Obey and Prosper

Changing location has nothing to do with prosperity. It is possible to be poor in a wealthy society; just as it is possible to prosper in a poor society, and even during a crisis where others are in want all around you. Isaac obeyed the Lord, and he prospered! “Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous” (Genesis 26:12-13).

A Daily Affirmation

Make this a daily affirmation: “Thank you Lord that greatness lives in me because YOU are great! I choose to seek after greatness in life, and I can do it because You are in me, we are partners, and we will do it together!”

No Worms Here!

You are not a “sinful worm” saved by grace. Stop seeing yourself as a beggar! You are not a moocher, but a producer! You have been given power to become a child of God! You have been given power to produce wealth! You are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ! YOU HAVE A DESTINY!