Persecuted or Privileged?

“We preach Christ crucified…” 1 Cor 1:23 NIV

The cross is renowned as a symbol of Christianity, but in the day Jesus was crucified the cross was a place of great shame. We wear crosses around our necks, hang them on our walls and use them in our liturgical ceremonies, but do we remember the pain and the shame that Christ endured on this cross? Have we considered that scripture tells us He was marred beyond recognition?

I believe Christians who face life threatening persecution identify with this crucified Christ. They understand the reality of suffering for what they believe. The cross is an ever present image for them as they recognize what it means to lay down your life for what you believe. The early Christians considered it a privilege to suffer for their faith. The image and stories of this wonderful person Jesus Christ who did no wrong, being beaten and crucified for them, burned as an emblem of their faith. It was a motivation so deep that to consider one’s life more precious than one’s faith would almost seem preposterous.

As I read the reports from the young evangelists from Eurasia, I am stirred to remember the price the young people are paying to carry the Gospel to places such as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and the remote villages of Eurasia. I remember one young group of missionary evangelists being chased out of town by the village leaders who were hurling threats and rocks at their backs. To those leaders’ surprise, however, the evangelists returned the next day. The village leaders were shocked! How could they do this? What would motivate them to come back even after being threatened with death?

These same leaders came to their knees to hear the wonderful message of Christ because of the boldness of these faithful witnesses!

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you” 1 Peter 4:12-14 NIV.

We Celebrate You!

“[I thank my God] for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership) in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day [you heard it] until now…” Phil 1:5 AMP.

Today we are celebrating you, our partner. This great Christian Adventure we have embarked upon together is having untold impact among the nations. You are a change agent for thousands of lives each year! Your love for the lost and hurting expressed through your giving is you going to the field.

Billy Graham once said that the paycheck you bring home each week represents the value of what you did with your time that week. When you take a portion of that check and give it to a ministry, you are giving away a portion of your life. In other words, you are sowing yourself into the field through the time you have given to produce the income that you are now releasing into the nations.

Wow! Our time is our most precious commodity. Your giving is not just a check you stick in the mail or a contribution you make on-line. It is the energy of your life force given to GOD for HIS work—which has now become your work!

Friend, when you partner with this ministry this is your seed—your life touching the Nations! We celebrate you and never forget your compassionate cooperation with GOD’S plan—our plan for reaching the world!

From No Hope to New Life

Jesus sees the hidden potential in people. We have seen thousands of people find their dignity again.

One of the most amazing was an institutional drunk in Chernovtsy, Ukraine who wandered into our tent looking for a drink. He thought the tent was a bar and He stayed long enough to hear the message, which then gripped his heart with a glimmer of hope. He made the decision to follow Christ and something changed in him.

He went back to the hospital and told his four friends of the power he experienced in the tent. They all came the next night and received a powerful new birth. These men were all institutional drunks with no hope from society.

We desperately needed ushers because 3,000 people showed up and all we had were 3 ushers. When the born again drunks showed up I put them to work as ushers. At the institute they were given daily rations of alcohol, but they didn’t want to drink anymore and the doctors were confused. They had never seen an institutional alcoholic go free, so they kept pressing them for their secret. Sasha explained to the doctors that the Americans preached and Jesus had set them free.

The doctors wouldn’t receive their testimony and instead started a rumor that the Americans had put chips in the inmates, and that we were controlling the drunks with “new technology.” Well, we DID use something new…the NEW LIFE from heaven!

Signs and Wonders in the Philippines

Scripture says, “My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power” (1 Corinthians 2:4).

In our early years of global ministry, Leslie and I opened up an event in southern Philippines. Only one feeble little 80 year-old woman who was 90% deaf, losing her eyesight and walking with a cane showed up for the event. She hadn’t gotten the message that the authorities had forbidden everyone in town from coming to hear us.

We preached to her like it was a full crowd. We could see all the windows open and people listening from the safety of their homes. At the end of the message we prayed for this  little woman and God did a miracle in her life. Strength returned to her bones and she could dance, hear and see! With great joy we let her testify in our loudspeakers, reading and repeating words to show what Jesus had done. Despite the threat from the authorities, the next night was overflowing with townspeople and great joy filled that place. Thousands were baptized in the ocean as they rejoiced!

This way of preaching is what turned the world upside down in the early church. In the book of Acts we see where Philip the evangelist won a whole city when God confirmed His message. Even the famous witch doctors wanted the power they saw in Philip and Peter. Jesus gives the idea of God working with man confirming His word on the world stage. “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” (Mark 16:20).

Seeing Jesus

“Beloved, now are we the sons (and daughters) of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).

There is no ‘if” in this verse. It doesn’t say we qualify if we are good enough, if we pray enough or if we give enough. He has qualified us by His sacrifice, His blood, and His victory over Satan.

When do we become more like Him? The key is to see Him and practice His presence. As we see Him here in this life, we are changed into His likeness in word and deed!



How many have had a moment of inspiration for an invention that would bless the world, but talked themselves out of it because of age, education, or fear and never took the step to make it a reality? How many saw an illness ravage a loved one, friend, or even themselves but resigned themselves to the limits of medicine and lived with their pain? How many have wanted to study abroad and envisioned a life of service to another culture but allowed the ceiling of financial shortage to kill that vision?

The potential of a new Creation in Christ is as far superior to human potential as human potential is superior to animal potential. Jesus said “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).  He is saying that following His success will make you someone that others want to follow. Men will be caught by your posture, words, peace, and authority in the midst of challenges. That is true leadership!

We want His type of success and level of success. We want a success that goes beyond a dollar amount into a human value amount. It needs to go beyond a benefit to one generation to an eternal benefit. That is the lifestyle and leadership only He can offer.

Nothing is impossible to the new creation!

“I Can!”

“I Can!” is a statement every believer needs to declare.  The “I Can!” in life will open a thousand doors you’ll never see until you say it.  Take yourself out of pondering and wondering and take an action step in a direction.  Choose a goal and declare, “I can do all things through Christ” (Philippians 4:13).

Make a decision to believe that you have received the power Jesus gave in the book of Acts when He said, “you shall receive power” (Acts 1:8). Take it out of the future and put it into today’s words. He is saying, “I will work through you.”

When the revelation hits you that Jesus in you is the same as the Jesus in the Bible, then you will seek to discover how Jesus can work through you!

Show and Tell

Every child knows about show and tell in school, but God wants us to demonstrate it in real life.  We have thought in the past that the witness of God was a good sermon, but that’s only half the story. Paul said what needs to be done is to tell the whole story “through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Ilyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:19).

Think about this, have you preached the Gospel until you see mighty signs and wonders?  We have settled for a word when God wants us to be a wonder! The Word of God says that we will receive power to be a witness (Acts 1:8). The witness of God is not a tongue or a good lifestyle. The witness of God is something only God’s power can produce…miracles!

Many have said that the day of the big show is over and now God does everything in the local church, but that’s not Jesus’ ministry. God likes to show off!  He showed the soldiers of Jerusalem that He could not be held in a grave.  He showed Peter’s jailer that He could not be held in a jail.  He showed the religious world of Israel that He could not be held in a temple.  He wants you and me to tell and show that Jesus is alive.  If you are going to be effective, there should be a demonstration of what you speak!

New Year, New Life!

“Early in the morning will I seek thee…” (Psalm 63:1).

This familiar line is an encouragement as we embark on a new year. As you begin this year remember the awesome things that God has done for you. For each one of us who are born again we have ‘super’ living in our natural!

The supernatural is Christ indwelling our natural flesh. The greatest miracle of all is the miracle of salvation! What is this? The reality that we may call on Jesus and He will forgive our sin, wash away those things which have bound us and fill us with His new life. This NEW LIFE is available to each one of us!

What do we say to these things? “YES LORD! This year I receive your NEW LIFE!”

Freedom is Always Tested

Freedom is never a reality until it is tested.  In the Constitutions of most countries you will see flowery words of individual rights and freedoms but they mean nothing until they are attempted by individuals in that society.  Freedom of speech, freedom to travel, and freedom to work are assumed rights, but they are often challenged by controlling people.

At the turn of the century America’s freedom of religion was tested by a foreigner named Alexander Dowie.  He came from Australia with a healing message for this country which prides itself in its freedoms, and he was arrested over 100 times for all sorts of reasons, like practicing medicine without a license or disturbing the peace.  All those arrests were illegal, but someone had to pay the price to test the system to see if the freedom written in the books was in reality a freedom you could experience.

Egypt kept Israel in bondage for 400 years.  It was long enough to make them forget how a free person thinks.  When they had an opportunity to be free men they wanted to return to the security of the chains in Egypt.

If a Christian is in bondage it is not because the devil is so strong, but rather their will to walk free is too weak.  They will need to continually hear that Jesus has set them free and that they can stand in that freedom, until it gets down in their spirit and reprograms their thinking.

After the Emancipation Proclamation first ordered the freedom of over 3 million slaves, they were given the opportunity to become legally free if they escaped the control of their slave masters.  However, many died on those same farms under the whip of the owners because they were afraid to risk failure as free people.  Remember, who the Son sets free is free indeed!