Bold as a Lion

Jesus is still performing the miracles that He did 2,000 years ago on the shore of the Galilee. How, you may ask? Through believers who are bold enough to be His hands and feet in the earth!  Jesus is not intimidated by demons, sickness, sin, lack, or even death, and is a master over every circumstance and situation. If He lives in you, then this should describe you too!

Victor Mentality

Why would Jesus Christ die on a cross and take my sin if He didn’t have a plan for my success? Everyone should be planning for success, because the One who lives in you by His Spirit defeated your enemy! “The Lord has taken away the judgments against you; he has cleared away your enemies” (Zephaniah 3:15).

Take Your Seat

Take your seat in heavenly places. Take your authority in Christ Jesus! Demand those things that belongs to you. Demand that your body line up with God’s promises. Demand that the circumstances around you line up in the name of Jesus. Demand that His promises become a reality as you take your authority over everything that has set itself against you!


Speak the Truth

Your tongue is the unseen part of your body that plants seeds for your future harvests. It is guiding you to either a safe harbor, or to destruction. What you say of yourself, your relationships, and your future is more prophetic of your life than anything even the greatest prophet could foretell!

Reliable and Ready

What happens when your car fails? You can’t go anywhere. You can’t start it. You can’t drive it. You can’t do anything with it. Well, God’s Word NEVER fails! It’s always ready to be driven and operated by the person who is willing to take it and sow it in their hearts, renew their minds with it and declare it with their mouths!

Riding the Rapids

Our greatest days are just ahead of us as we navigate through the rapids on the river of life. We will all go through some rough water, but must stay focused and steady. The boat was designed for the rapids. That’s where it performs its best!


What is faith? It is believing and standing on the truth that Jesus is Lord, and that He has already paid every debt and penalty to set you free. It is refusing to back down from the fact that He is your healer and your deliverer, regardless of what you feel or see or what those around you think, believe, or say. It is acknowledging that the report of Jesus is higher than ANY other report—including every diagnosis and every prognosis!

Participators, not Spectators

We have to be careful not to get full of the Word of God and then become complacent, as if we’ve had a huge, wonderful meal—but then just want to kick back in the recliner and lay there in all of the “calories” that we’ve consumed. We are not meant to be spectators, we are to be participators in the Word!

The True You

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see your weaknesses, your inadequacies, your imperfections? Or, do you see what God sees? He sees you IN CHRIST—holy, blameless, free from accusation and accepted as a dearly loved child! He sees you as complete and more than a conqueror, because the conqueror lives IN YOU!

Declaring Your Victory Prayer

“Father God, today is my day! I see my enemy defeated, decapitated and openly paraded. Father, Your army, Your Son, the host of angels, have defeated my enemy and I believe Your Word. Today I expect that the strength of Your healing power, Your promises, Your grace, Your love, Your might and your deliverance is being extended to me. Today I receive my healing and my deliverance! I say in the name of Jesus, I am free and I am made whole!”