The power dwelling in us was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead! Surely, this power can infuse our bodies with enough life to overcome every sickness and disease!
If you have confessed Christ as your Savior, nothing can separate you from God. No sin can control you. No sickness can have authority over your life. God Himself lives in you!
If you can get the proper perspective, or image, of how God sees you in light of healing, and how you see God in light of His desire for healing for you, then you will have a foundation that cannot be moved by the storms of life. It cannot be moved by the reports of the doctor, or by the reports of the symptoms, or by the reports of the feelings that you are experiencing!
You must open the Word of God to discover the tools, realities, and principles that He has given to you to keep the door closed to any sickness and disease that may try to enter or return to your body.
Recognize that you have the power tool in your mouth through the great confession of our Christianity—which says that God is alive, Jesus is my healer, ALL things are possible—and what you see now is not the reality of where you will see me later!
Righteousness, or my right standing with God, gives me a proper aspect of humility. It’s not a humility of my works and my efforts, it is a humility of recognition of all that God has done for me, all that God is doing for me, and all that God will do for me.
One of the greatest ways to establish the foundation of healing in your heart and in your life is by using your own confession of God’s Word and hearing it in your own ears!
When sickness tries to attack me I say, “Devil, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in me! God’s power is in me! Sickness, I command you to leave my body right now!”
The Bible says that through the name of Jesus we have authority over the devil, sickness, and disease. Therefore, when we pray we use the authority that God gave us through Jesus Christ. We can boldly say, “In the name of Jesus, sickness, you must leave my body!”
Many people believe in Jesus but are scared of the devil. I am not afraid of the devil because God lives in me! I am saved! I am healed! I have been delivered! I have been set free! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in me!