“Lord Jesus, I thank You and take by faith the healing and deliverance You have given to me. Thank You that ALL things are now possible to me, because I believe Your ‘power of the possible’ is effectually working in my life. Thank You that I’m healed, I’m delivered and I am FREE!”
When you were born again, you and the Father were made friends again. In Christ, you were brought back into the Father as He desired from the beginning. You were empty and without purpose, but now Christ lives IN you, and you do His works in the earth. You’re a new creation with a new life—in God’s eyes, a person without a past!
1 Corinthians 2:16 tells us that as new creations in Christ, we have been given the mind of Christ! When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to renew our minds to God’s Word, we begin to think and respond as Jesus in the earth, instead of like the world does!
I believe Elijah stood in front of the battles before him and was able to call down fire from heaven. He was able, when necessary, to stop the rain. He was able to speak the will of God over his situations and over an entire nation of people. Elijah’s prayers prevailed, and now, with the very life and power of God living within us, how much more so should ours!
What you focus on is what will impact your life. When Peter overcame the fear-filled boat by looking at Jesus and acting on His word, Peter walked on water. For a moment he was the happiest man alive—until he diverted his focus back to the wind and waves, and fear regained its dominance over him. Keeping your focus on God’s Word renews your mind and transforms you from faithless to fearless! (Romans 12:1-2)
Many people, including some preachers, say that God is completely sovereign and therefore whatever happens is His will. But does a farmer reap what God sows? What kind of crop will the farmer get if he takes the year off and just tells God he will take whatever crop God produces? No, the farmer reaps what he himself sows. If this principle is true for the farmer, isn’t it true for us also?
Paul had an interesting view of himself. He thought of himself as a man who had died and awakened to a new life in Christ. He considered himself a dead man, yet still breathing. Dead men do not get offended at people. Dead men do not scream back when they are screamed at. Dead men can be poked, kicked, mocked and spit upon, and they still do not respond. The devil and his followers have no weapons left when Christians do not respond in fear or anger to their evil threats and actions!
Simply stating you believe something in God’s Word isn’t what produces results. Results are seen through being convinced of the reality that His Word is operating in your heart, your mind and your soul, along with the recognition that as you release your faith, this faith works by love. Not our ability to love God, but rather His amazing ability to love us!
Joy is an important part of life and is something God wants His children to experience and live in every day. It’s a fruit of the Spirit and a strong feeling of the heart. In this very negative world where bad news is screamed at us from all sides, joy must be encouraged, protected, and cultivated. How do we find it? God’s Word is full of truths for you that produce joy! Believe them, meditate on them and speak them over yourself!
Your atmosphere is the mood, the influence, or the environment that you surround yourself with. An atmosphere without expectation will kill your dreams because it destroys the hope that is within you. An atmosphere of expectation, however, is conductive to the supernatural and divine intervention of God in your life!