Live On Purpose!

As a young businesswoman, I remember sitting at my desk after having just received accolades for a very successful business deal that people of my age seldom experienced.

The president of the bank and my peers thought it was amazing, yet I sat there thinking, “I’ve obtained what people seek after for years…but is this what I want to do with the rest of my life?

As I was pondering this decision the phone rang. It was a local Pastor calling, and I remember telling him, “Funny you should call right now…I am pondering what to do with the rest of my life.” I recall his words so clearly.  He simply said, “Let peace be the umpire of your heart.”

Hanging up the phone, I leaned back and thought, “Stay here? For the rest of my life?” NO joy, NO Peace! And in that moment I decided to pursue a second career. Perhaps today, you need courage to follow your heart.

Consider this: My mother-in-law always said, work at your career for 5 years, if you find yourself bored, then do something else. Her observation: boredom was the great thief of happiness. Life is too short to be bored!

It’s Not What You Have—It’s What You Give!

I recently read an article in the Huffington post entitled: Redefining Happiness in India. In the article a young doctor stated:

“As Indian Americans, we have grown up hearing stories from our parents about how they left India in search of a better life. They came to the West to create new opportunities for themselves and for generations to come.

The younger generations have found more opportunities, more amenities and more comfort. But somewhere in always striving for more, we have also become more discontent.  We have started asking the questions, “what brings real happiness?” and “what is the definition of a good life?”

She concluded that this is happiness:

– To stop constantly thinking of ourselves, and instead find joy in serving others.

– To look within for problem solving instead of finding short term joy in outside things.

– To share our joy by sharing with others.

Joy In Hidden Places

One of my most important life-experiences came as I was helping Jean, a woman who attended our weekly feeding program. Our local city had issued a notice that she was to clean up her property or they would haul off all her possessions. What was so tragic is that although she owned a beautiful home, she lived on the front porch!  You could not even find a pathway through her home. Though she was a gentle soul with a love for nature and a concern for suffering people, she had a serious mental struggle.

Our local outreach group organized a team to clear her property—not an easy job since to her, everything seemed valuable. I remember sitting on the street curb, dirty from head to foot, picking up seeds that had just spilled from her pouch. And at that moment, a carload of young people careened by and they shouted, “Look at the street people!” Then I realized—they were talking about me! But as my eyes caught Jean’s, I saw joy—because someone cared enough to help her pick up her little seeds.

I have carried that experience with me to over 60 nations! Why? A well-lived life is a life engaged with serving others! If you are sad or depressed, remember there is always someone else who is sadder and more depressed than you. So go out and get busy interacting with others!

Then, as Jesus said, you will discover there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another! (John 15:13) The Dalai Lama said “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

True human value is not found in serving yourself, but in serving others!

A Strong Foundation

Is pleasure the key to your happiness? As a child, one of my favorite experiences each fall was to go shopping for clothes! It was a special event. I grew up in a town of 1,100 people, so we had to drive to the city, spend the day shopping, and then we would eat at a restaurant! Wow!  We did this every school year, and it is one of the special yearly memories from my childhood.

Why? I was different as a child and choosing clothes made me feel special.  These clothes provided a confidence when everyone made fun of me for being so tall and lanky! I clearly recall each year as we headed out, Mother would say to me, “Leslie, as a child I only had one dress for school and church. Your father and I want you to have more than we did as children.”

Yet, more than shopping adventures and new clothes, my family gave me the meaning of life through a solid spiritual foundation—with a clear belief in God. They instilled in me a good education, a strong work ethic, and the importance of integrity. They guided my life with values by which I still live today!

I believe that without that spiritual foundation in my life, I would have been adrift in search of pleasure and happiness. Why? My generation, was (and still is) all about fast cars, big houses, high salaries, media toys and the right family! They are thrill seekers and money masters!


Get Wisdom!

How do we find true pleasure? In abundant possessions? From external factors? Or could there be something deeper that guides us to a true sense of pleasure in life? The ancient Proverb says, Happy is the person who finds wisdom and understanding. For its gain and profit is better than from silver or fine gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies: and nothing you can desire can compare. Long life is in her right hand; and in her left hand, riches and honor.

What is wisdom? It is the ability to see the end of a thing from the beginning. Wisdom provides answers, it does not simply provoke questions!  Wisdom is the ability to be a problem solver and not simply be one who is overcome by problems.

Scripture: Proverbs 3:13-16 (paraphrased)

It’s Good For You!

Recently a leading global medical research institute listed the following benefits that can be attributed to positive thinking:

  • Lower rates of depression
  • Longer life expectancy
  • Increased resistance to the common cold
  • Lower risk of heart disease and related death
  • Better overall psychological health
  • Lower stress levels
  • Better stress management and coping skills
  • Increased physical well-being

These facts alone should enthuse you about the real life benefits of thinking positively. One positive thought can indeed cultivate the dream that is in your heart!

A Story of Strength

What does offering help to someone else provide? Does it provide a sense of personal fulfillment? Or perhaps a reminder that your situation may not be all that bad?

I often tell people that when you help someone else you sense the presence of God helping people, and this in turn is a reminder that God will help you.  I recently received a letter from someone who took this to heart.  She said:

“Thank you for your message about helping somebody else when you’re going through personal problems. My younger brother is dying of brain cancer. For much of his life he has been homeless and battling alcoholism. My other sister was too drunk to properly care for him or even to talk to the hospital about his needs.  But, today I went on visitations for my sidewalk Sunday school and I was able to pray with a mom that has been fighting depression. Seeing the kids excited about Sunday school tomorrow brought me true joy. It’s so true when you’re going through something, reach out to somebody else and that’s where you find God’s strength.”

Helping Others Helps You!

What giants are you facing in life today? Remember that as you get busy helping others, you will find the strength to defeat seemingly insurmountable problems.  Maya Angelou said, “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”

Remember, helpers need wisdom, strength and resource.  God promises an abundant supply for those who are willing to go the extra mile. The scripture says, Give and it shall be given back to you, good measure pressed down and shaken together! With the same measure you give it shall be given back to you!

Let’s get busy helping someone today. When you add great value to someone else’s life, you will recognize just how valuable you really are!

Scripture: Luke 6:38 (paraphrased)

One Decision Away

What if you had God’s complete attention for 5 minutes and could ask any question you want? Let’s look at a recent survey done by USA today entitled: “Questions for God.”

In the survey the following question was posed to adults:

If you could get in contact with God directly; ask a question, and get an immediate reply—what would you ask?

34% wanted to know: “What is my purpose here?”

19% would ask: “Will I have life after death?” Have you ever thought about life after death?

16% want to know: “Why do bad things happen?”

12% had no idea what they would even ask.

What burning question might you have for God?

Scientists say, God? What need is there for God when we have science that certainly explains all?  Yet, with all of our medical understanding, scientists still face increasing incurable ailments of the mind, soul & body, and the fact that they do not have all the answers.

So who is God and where does He fit into your world? In reality, He is only one step—one decision away!

A Bountiful Eye

What does your eye see? The scripture says, The person that has a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for this person gives of his [or her] bread to the poor.

There is a story of a Russian woman on a very small pension. One morning she looked into her refrigerator and realized she had only one frozen chicken—and nothing else. In her village dozens were hungry and without any food, so that day she made the decision to take that chicken and make a pot of soup.

You would think that she would savor every drop of that soup, but instead she took it to the streets and began feeding the hungry. So impressed were her neighbors with her act of kindness that others began supplying bread, and even vegetables from their gardens. Even more astounding was the day the mayor walked by and noticed the impact this woman was having in her village. He called his office and told the city clerk to find a facility for her to open a kitchen, and to supply her with whatever she needed!

In the midst of her poverty, this woman found a principle of true wealth. Her eye was full of abundance, and her thoughts were pointed in that direction. With one chicken she became the solution for the needy of her community!

Scripture: Proverbs 22:9 (paraphrased)