Recently a leading global medical research institute listed these benefits attributed to positive thinking:
- Longer life expectancy
- Increased resistance to the common cold
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower risk of heart disease and related death
- Better overall psychological health
- Lower stress levels
- Better stress management and coping skills
- Increased physical well-being
These facts alone should enthuse you about the real life benefits of thinking positively. One positive thought can indeed cultivate the dream that is in your heart!
What does offering help to someone else provide? Does it provide a sense of personal fulfillment? Or perhaps a reminder that your situation may not be all that bad?
I often tell people that when you help someone else, you sense the presence of God helping people, and this in turn is a reminder that God will help you. I recently received a letter from someone who took this to heart. She said:
“Thank you for your message about helping somebody else when you’re going through personal problems. My younger brother is dying of brain cancer. For much of his life he has been homeless and battling alcoholism. My other sister was too drunk to properly care for him or even to talk to the hospital about his needs. But, today I went on visitations for my sidewalk Sunday school and I was able to pray with a mom that has been fighting depression. Seeing the kids excited about Sunday school tomorrow brought me true joy. It’s so true when you’re going through something, reach out to somebody else and that’s where you find God’s strength.”
God has granted us access to a relationship far greater than a master and a slave. He set all things before us so that we might enjoy the very best that life has to give!
We are not mere servants of God, but through God’s Son Jesus Christ we become children of God. Jesus called God Father! Have you ever called God ‘Father’? Perhaps you have called Him Creator, or you identify Him with the cosmic universe. But I want you to know today you can call Him Father.
Trust begins with a simple decision to get to know God through His words. How can you know all the functions of your TV or your cell phone if you don’t spend some time in the search menus or with the instruction booklet?
God only requires one thing for trust. He tells us, get to know Me and My words, and I will get to know you.
The Creator of the universe so desired to be connected with you and me that He created a beautiful garden and placed people just like you and me in the very center.
David the King said, “I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you set in place – what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us! You put us in charge of everything you made and gave us authority over all things.”
Did you know that God trusts you? And that you were created for a purpose and fashioned for dignity? Perhaps you feel like you cannot be trusted, or you cannot trust because you’ve been hurt too deeply. Today I want you to know that you can trust God – He will trust you!
Scripture: Psalm 8:3
As you embark upon your dream remember these four words: WORK, WORSHIP, REST & PLAY.
Work routines provide healthy self-esteem and a confidence that your dream is well underway. Worship is our expression to God for all that He has done in creating and preparing us for the life ahead. Worship helps us acknowledge that a source greater than ourselves is gently guiding and strengthening us each day.
Rest is the time required to recharge our physical and mental capabilities. We are complex beings that have a spirit, live in a body and function through our mind, will and emotions. Rest recharges our spiritual, physical and emotional energy.
My last encouragement is to remind you to PLAY! Allowing ourselves to play opens up a child-like spirit of creativity allowing us to dream as only a child can do. Go for a swing! Play! Ride the local carousel! Treat yourself to an ice cream! Tap into the supernatural reservoir of joy and energy that is resonant within!
God has put a road in front of you. Not just a little overgrown path but a great highway! Even if you are uneducated, unemployed, unsophisticated or any other negative thing, you still can live error free on this road provided by God.
If Jesus is your Lord, you will even find protection there from the lions of life. Those that roar as well as those that bite! It is not a hard road for you to find. Jesus said “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Scripture: Matt. 11:30
Quote: I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.
~Maya Angelou
Have you ever had the question arise in your heart of why something happened to you that you did not want or expect? Does God want our hearts to be broken or our energy diminished? No, He does not! He said that in this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, He has overcome this world. It is clear that in this world circumstances and people can throw unexpected curve balls at you, but be of good cheer!
All that you are is NOT based on all that you have. Your value is based on the image God has of you as His righteous, holy, empowered son or daughter. The great apostle Paul went through shipwreck, near drowning, and two weeks of being tossed like a ball on the ocean before he was finally delivered and made it to land. You would think angels would have started a chorus of praise as their main man survived, but instead he gets a snake bite! What does he do? Should he get mad at God for adding insult to injury? No, He just shakes it off. He has places to go and people to meet!
Whatever happens to you, SHAKE IT OFF!
Scripture: John 16:33