The Fruit of Joy

Sickness tries to bring sorrow, circumstances try to weaken your spirit. But an overflowing, abundant fruit of the Spirit who lives within you is joy! It’s an attitude that brings confidence in what God has already done for us. Never overlook or underestimate the attitude of joy and its value in your life!

Kingdom Thinking

You are destined for success! But to get there, you have to put off your old thought life and put on the thought life of a new creation. Your old way of thinking is who you were in Adam, and is what most people are accustomed to because that has always been their reality. But you, as a New Creation in Christ, have a DIFFERENT reality that has is based on what GOD says, NOT what the world or past experience says.  The world thinks, “this is the way it is, therefore this is the way it will always be.” No! You’re a NEW Creation! Get in the Word and bring your thinking up to KINGDOM reality!

Fullness of Joy

Is there any sickness in the image of Jesus we see from His Word? Jesus took all of our sickness upon His body years ago, and then He rose from the dead. And when He rose from the dead, He was signifying that every form of sickness and disease had been dealt with and was taken care of. Now, you and I today can come into His presence. And in His presence there is no sickness, just fullness of joy!

Boss Life

When you made Jesus Lord of your life, He came to live inside you, taking away your sins, sicknesses and failures, and replaced it all with HIS life. What does that mean? You’re forgiven! You’re healed! He restored the dominion and authority to you in the earth that had been lost to the devil! Now you have the ability to live your life through Him—a powerful, victorious life that sets other captives free and brings glory to God!

The Force is in You

First Peter 1:23 tells us that the seed of God, His Word, is incorruptible. So we can have confidence and expectation that when we hear the Word of God and it lands in the soil of our heart, something good is going to come forth from it! Since God’s Word is incorruptible, it cannot be changed and is a force that has the ability to transform our lives!

New Life Prayer

“Jesus, You went to the cross and took away all of my sin. You took every form of sickness and disease, and you died for me. Now I see every sin, failure, fear, and problem, every weakness, sickness, tumor, and autoimmune disease laid upon You 2,000 years ago. Lord Jesus, I know I am crucified with You, and now I live, yet not I but You are alive in me!   I exchange my old life and my old body for a new life and a new body.  I come out of the grave, I come forth from the tomb, and I declare I am saved, I am healed, I am delivered, and I am a child of the Living God! Thank you, Jesus, I have no fear of tomorrow, I have no fear of any diagnosis, I have no fear of failure or sin, because I am in You and You are in me!”

The Feelings Will Follow

God has deposited a vision in every heart to reach the world. When Jesus enters your life, a compassion for the rest of the world enters with Him. If you’re not feeling it, then it’s time to renew your mind to who God’s Word says you are and how much He loves you. The feelings will follow!

The Brand New You

If you are born again you are IN Christ and He is in you! He took away everything you had in Adam, and gave you everything that He had, including the dominion and authority Adam lost to Satan. This includes dominion over sickness, disease, lack and fear—Jesus has given you a brand new identity!

Living in the Now

In God’s mind, time is always the present. Yesterday is gone. All your victories and defeats are in the past. You can learn from them and move on, or negatively dwell on them and remain stuck in the past, but God does not. He is interested in NOW!

Meet the New You!

Have you seen the cross of Jesus Christ? Have you recognized the fatal blow it delivered to the devil’s authority over you? Are you experiencing the resurrection power of God now available to you in forgiveness, deliverance, health and every area of your life?