Scripture says we are to “love others as we love ourselves” (Mark 12:33, author’s paraphrase). Maybe the reason there is so much harsh treatment of others is that people hate themselves. They don’t have an understanding of how deeply God loves and values them, and as a result feel less-than and condemned most of the time. They can’t give to others what they don’t have, so they project that same attitude toward those around them!
Born again believers are the temple of the living God, as God has said, “I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people” (1 Corinthians 6:16). Wow! We walk, He’s dwelling in us; we talk, He’s living in us; we experience life, He’s experiencing it through us—we are one with Him!
We are not designed to continually handle hard struggles, difficulty, shame, lack, stress, anxiety and failures. Jesus said, “Come unto me and I will give you rest for your souls.” Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden light (Matt. 11:28–30), so take Him up on His offer! This is where peace is found!
I’m on the other side of the cross, are you? When you encounter the cross of Christ and come to that place where you can leave every hindrance there, every circumstance and anxiety and every form of sickness and disease—then you’re living on the other side of the cross!
Part of your identification with Christ is understanding how much God loves you. Do you realize that the hairs of your head are counted (Luke 12:7)? That you are inscribed in the palms of God’s hands (Isaiah 49:16)? You’re the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8)! Meditate on these and the many other scriptures that tell you how precious you, His masterpiece of creation, are to Him. God wants YOU to know that HE LOVES YOU!
As Christians we may not feel any more holy, smart, merciful or powerful than we did before we accepted Jesus—but God’s Word says we are new people, new creations even! It’s vital to read the New Testament to discover the amazing truth of how God sees you as His child, so you can learn to live there confidently. Live where? In the land of forgiven, worthy, loved, accepted, capable, trusted—and that’s just the beginning!
You can actually enjoy the process of going through tough moments by looking for the good in them. The things you can change, by all means change, but the things you cannot change should not have the ability to dominate your life!
Jesus will walk with you and give you the hope you need. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
In the midst of your busy life, take moments that minister to your heart and your spirit. Maybe it’s gazing at a special picture, taking a walk on the beach, or just looking upwards at the sky. Special moments of inspiration and refreshing come when we stop and turn our attention to the beautiful landscapes of life!
There is a deep peace in knowing that your past is cleansed, forgiven, and redeemed; and an even greater peace knowing your future is secure. Then there’s a third peace in the promise of His presence in our daily lives. Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to be with us. This is the many-faceted peace that is only found in Him!