Oh How You Are Loved!

Part of your identification with Christ is understanding how much God loves you. Do you realize that the hairs of your head are counted (Luke 12:7)? That you are inscribed in the palms of God’s hands (Isaiah 49:16)? You’re the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8)! Meditate on these and the many other scriptures that tell you how precious you, His masterpiece of creation, are to Him. God wants YOU to know that HE LOVES YOU!

Privilege and Purpose

Humanity alone was created in the image of God. Only humanity was given the right and the ability and the authority to walk with the living God, to speak words as He spoke, to create as He created, and to live as He lived on the earth. The desire of every human heart should be to manifest each day the reality of the blessing and privilege we walk in!

A Dynamic Duo

Whatever needs you face today, you’re not facing them alone! Jesus said He will be with you always. The two of you together are an inseparable, supernatural team with unseen resources that the world does not have!


Heaven on Earth

We were created to exist in perfect harmony with God. Jesus shows us God’s intention, which is to reunite us in perfect unity with Him—one spirit with Him, our hearts beating as one with His heart, and our bodies resonating with health!

Now More Than Ever…

What does the world need? They need a revelation of the Father from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world.”  Do you truly understand how powerful that is, or have you just skimmed over the surface of it? Has it simply been a recitation, or do you realize that this love broke the power of every demonic power that exists?

Living in Victory

We are soldiers—we have the belt of truth, the shield of righteousness and shoes of peace (Ephesians 6). We know that God will answer our prayers (1 John 5:14-15). We will not be afraid; we know that God will not leave us (Deuteronomy 31:8). He will take care of us, because He said in His Word, “By His wounds you are healed …” (Isaiah 53:5). In other words, we have been given everything we need to live in victory!

Acts 2.0

The love, forgiveness, and supernatural life of healing and miracles that Jesus demonstrated in the Gospels is what we are to be demonstrating now in our lives, as we continue what the book of Acts started!

Love Yourself to Love Others

Scripture says we are to “love others as we love ourselves” (Mark 12:33 author’s paraphrase).  Maybe the reason some people treat others so harshly is because that’s how they feel about themselves. They don’t see themselves as good enough or worthy enough, so to them no one else is either. When we comprehend the gospel we see that God loves us! He loved us so much that He gave His own Son to die for us!

Read it and Believe it!

God created us in His image with dignity and purpose. He created us to experience His love. He has entrusted us with His authority and only requires one thing from us—that we believe and trust His words to us!


“…But the angel said to them, “Listen! Do not fear. For I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11 MEV). “Good news of great joy” means, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!