The Final Authority

What do you see in the midst of what’s going on in your world? What do you hear in the midst of a sickness, or a problem or something that’s coming against you? What do you see and what do you hear? How big have you allowed God’s Word to be inside you?

Time Out

In the midst of your busy life, take moments that minister to your heart and your spirit. Maybe it’s gazing at a special picture, taking a walk on the beach, or just looking upwards at the sky. Special moments of inspiration and refreshing come when we stop and turn our attention to the beautiful landscapes of life!

Cast That Care

We are not designed to continually handle hard struggles, difficulty, shame, lack, stress, and failures. Jesus said, “Come unto me and I will give you rest for your souls.” He also said His yoke is easy and His burden light (Matt. 11:28–30). If you’ve allowed the troubles and uncertainty of the times to pile greater and greater loads of care upon you, it’s time to come back to Jesus and make an exchange. “…Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1Peter 5:7).

You Won’t Sink!

If you’re feeling like a captive on a boat that’s being hurled around because of someone else’s decisions or actions, don’t give in to anger and worrying! Remember, if you’re born again then Jesus is not only with you on the boat, He lives inside you! You are NOT powerless, you have the name of Jesus and His authority to speak to those storms!

Privilege and Purpose

Humanity alone was created in the image of God. Only humanity was given the right and the ability and the authority to walk with the living God, to speak words as He spoke, to create as He created, and to live as He lived on the earth. The desire of every human heart should be to manifest each day the reality of the blessing and privilege we walk in!

Share Your Testimony

Never underestimate the importance of your personal testimony, no matter how insignificant it may seem. The potential of your words in a heart that is ready to receive it is as explosive as one little match in a mountain of dry wood!

What Does God Say About That?

Faith is a force that operates apart from the reality of our circumstances. Your present reality may be saying you are out of money, you are sick, you are unemployed, your children are lost—but faith operates in the reality of what GOD says about the situation!

Know the Truth!

The devil doesn’t have any power! He only has the ability to try to focus our attention on a thought or some temporary situation or report, in an attempt to twist and pervert the truth of God’s Word that God has already given to us. Deception is powerless against those who make it their business to learn the truth!

Enveloping Peace

There is a deep peace in knowing that your past is cleansed, forgiven, and redeemed; and an even greater peace knowing your future is secure. Then there’s a third peace in the promise of His presence in our daily lives. Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to be with us. This is the many-faceted peace that is only found in Him!

Don’t Be Deceived

Remember, the Bible does NOT say that we are to stand against the power or the strength of the devil. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:11 that we are to stand against the tricks and schemes of the devil. Why? Because deception is his only weapon against us!