It cost God the blood of His Son Jesus to redeem us. Jesus bought us back to God at the price of His own blood—so no devil, person or feeling can ever say we are not righteous! Our penalty was not ignored or winked at—it was completely paid for and totally removed—for eternity!
Every time a leader in this world tries to play the role of God, it ends up in defeat. True greatness is NOT achieved by reducing other people to servitude, but in giving of yourself in selfless service to others!
There are hundreds of books out today talking about the power of the devil. Sure, they’re there, but why be so devil conscious? We don’t glorify a defeated liar! Devils and Jesus cannot cohabit in the same place. Jesus Christ lives in you! When you show up, they shouldn’t want to hang around!
I’m not afraid of the devil because God lives IN me! I’ve been delivered for all time from sin, and the devil has no claim on me and no part in me! That means I’m healed! I’ve been delivered! I’ve been set free to live in the same blessing and authority that Jesus had in the earth!
“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 3:8). He forgave sinners in the Bible, and forgives sinners today. He restored the deaf and lame people in Jerusalem, and restores the deaf and lame now where you live. He heard the prayers of people in that day, and hears your prayer in this day. He blessed people then, and still blesses people today!
Your healing is already paid for! Jesus bore your sicknesses and carried your pains, and by His stripes you ARE healed (Isaiah 53:5; 1Peter 2:24). The work has ALREADY been done for you. The price has ALREADY been paid. And when the revelation and understanding of this truth becomes stronger and more real to us than the symptoms trying to defy it, we will walk in not just healing, but divine health!
God’s plan for people was a garden experience where He would walk with us and provide for us. We would live without shame and love would rule. In Christ, we have been returned to that relationship! He bore upon Himself our shame and who we had become because of sin, and gave us HIS life in exchange. Now, in Christ, we have been brought back into the Father and are one spirit with Him!
You may be looking at healing as something phenomenal and beyond your reach. Two of the 12 spies looked at the giants in the promised land and said, “Don’t fear them, the Lord is with us! We can do this, these giants are nothing to us!” The other spies looked at those same giants with an entirely different perspective, saying, “They’re stronger than us—we’re nothing but grasshoppers in their sight!” Which perspective do you have of healing?
The disciples didn’t really understand what was happening as Jesus hung on the cross. There, Christ took our sin and gave us HIS life in return! We became God’s righteousness on earth—the habitation of His Holy Spirit! We are enabled and empowered to act as Christ in the earth, because He now lives IN us. The disciples saw a man, but God saw humanity!