Do You Believe It?

God believes in us and has entrusted us with His Gospel. He believes we can communicate to the world, and He believes we have the stuff to overcome all obstacles and devils! Do YOU believe it?

The Final Answer

The Word of God is the truth, so it must be our standard as the absolute truth we live by.  No matter how different the natural facts may appear, the reality is that God’s Word IS and ALWAYS WILL BE the final and absolute truth in every situation!

You Believe Your Boss, do you Believe God?

Every week most of you go to work believing your employers will honor their promise to pay you. You don’t question it, but rather plan what you are going to do with the promised income. Do the promises of God and what He says is already yours hold the same reality and expectation for you?

Tell Fear Where to Go

If you are a believer and are being stalked by fear, you must turn around and face that fear and say, “In the Name of JESUS, fear, YOU LEAVE ME NOW! You have no control over me because my heavenly Father’s arms are wrapped around me and He has saved me, delivered me, and set me free!”

Welcome to the Top!

God is not sitting up in heaven behind some great golden desk of stern authority, automatically stamping “NO” on all our requests. Because of what Jesus did on our behalf, we have both access and conversation in the throne room of God!

Not Guilty!

God didn’t hold you guilty, He held Jesus guilty. Jesus went to the cross and paid the sin debt for all of humanity. When you accept this gift and receive Him as your Savior, you can walk away from shame and guilt and fear by going directly to God and giving it all to Him. You’ve been set free!

Don’t be Fooled into Fear

In the days we’re currently living in, it’s vitally important to understand that Satan has NO power! The only so-called power he has is what we relinquish to him when we believe his lies over the Word of the Living God!

God’s Thoughts Bring Victory

The disturbances and confusion of the world is not a call to a monastic life, but rather a call to a higher thought life. Our victory is not found in fleeing the pressures of a secular world, but in keeping our thoughts in line with God’s thoughts in the midst of Satan’s bombardment.

By His Stripes You Were Healed, Period!

When you start comparing sicknesses saying, “Well, that’s just a runny nose, but THIS is cancer!” what you’re really saying is that Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t powerful enough to overcome ALL sickness and disease. Stop looking through your natural eyes and look through the eyes of faith! It is the same GRACE that covers us all!

Adjust Your Focus

It’s easy to forget the source of your water when all you see is the pipe.  The key to a constant flow of healing is a focus on the presence of Jesus the Healer!