Faith is BELIEVING when all apparent indicators tell you that things are not possible! Faith is KNOWING that regardless of what your body or your circumstances may be screaming at you, GOD has a different verdict for your situation!
Regardless of how uncertain things may appear looking into the year ahead, it is imperative that we stay strong in the face of adversity, and KNOW THAT THE GOODNESS OF GOD RESTS UPON US! Now more than ever, take the time to grow in intimacy with Him through His Word and prayer, and experience both His love for you and His reassuring hand upon you. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Matthew 7:11 says, “If you then being evil know how to give goods unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask Him?” Not only is God NOT using sickness, disease and lack as a tool to make us learn something, He clearly tells us that He has a great desire to answer our prayers and to meet our needs!
Regardless of where you find yourself today, Jesus said, “I will never leave you and never forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). You can come to Him — or return to Him — right now! He is waiting for you with arms wide-open!
What do you have that makes you rich? You have been given righteousness, which gives you a new self-image. You have been given authority, which is the right to exercise power over all sicknesses, all bondages and all demons!
Don’t blame God, life, circumstances, economy, family, neighborhood, the past or anything else for the life you are experiencing right now. The truth is, whatever you have sown, you will reap. The good news is, if you don’t like where you are right now, you can use that truth to turn things around!
You have the same faith that Jesus has. It is a faith that has confidence in the unseen and is not based on any evidence other than the Word of God. This faith moves mountains and brings answers to prayer!
What is the position we take when we have unanswered prayers? We stand firm and never quit! Elijah prayed 7 times for it to rain. He didn’t quit at the 6th time and start teaching his disciples why God doesn’t always answer. No! He persisted and received rain the 7th time! 1 Kings 18:42-44
Are you still asking God to do what He told us to do? Or have you stepped over into the joy and adventure of obedience by partnering with Him and doing what He has instructed YOU to do?
Life can be an exciting adventure or a daily grind. Where do you find yourself? Don’t let age rob you of your dreams. Don’t let yesterday limit your tomorrow. Don’t let mediocrity kill your potential! Rediscover your youth!