It is obvious to see when the world believes in the message of Jesus Christ more than many Christians do. They demonstrate it with laws forbidding believers to gather or to speak, because they are afraid of the power they represent! What do they know that many Christians have forgotten? Jesus will confirm that He is alive!
Jesus said “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). He is saying that following His success will make you someone that others want to follow. Men will be caught by your posture, words, peace, and authority in the midst of challenges. That is true leadership!
Our faith appropriates what God has already given to us, so start praising God and begin thanking Him for all that belongs to you as His child! Instead of listening to the devil and his lies, make him listen to you praising God for His love and total provision!
Jesus was God, but He put off His God rights and did nothing on earth that a human could not do. He clothed Himself in humanity to be our model. This limitless life is what He is encouraging you and me to experience now when He tells us, “All things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23).
What is the fight of faith? It is continually directing my mind to think and speak like scripture says, rather than focusing on the circumstances. It’s identifying with God’s ideas more than my own, and holding onto HIS Word when outward appearances look otherwise!
We need to put God’s Word in our hearts, because His Word is His will for us. Once you write His Word and His will on your heart it will be a joy for you to pray, because you’ll know when your petition is according to His will!
John 1:14 tells us that Jesus, the Word of God, became flesh. What does that mean for you and me? That means His Word is actually He Himself being released into the atmosphere around us. When we speak His words, He is filling our midst with His presence!
God never changes but our perception of Him does. You can limit Him to the size of your religion, your problem, or your bank account—OR you can also allow Him to be Almighty God! He is the creator of the universe! Invite Him into your daily decisions. Proverbs 3:5 tells us that when we trust God and acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our paths!
Even after you have chosen to forgive, memories of wrongs suffered and the associated negative feelings will still try to rise up. But hold on to forgiveness! Remind yourself that you made a decision to forgive!
Jesus prayed: “Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; on earth as it is in heaven.” No sickness in heaven! No poverty in heaven! No weakness in heaven! No tears in heaven! If it doesn’t look like heaven, we are commissioned and empowered to change it!