One nugget of wisdom can instantly bring clarity to any difficult decision. Wisdom is the picture of new hope and a new possibility for the situations that stand before us. We are to ask for wisdom knowing that God will respond with the answer, idea, or nugget of truth necessary to scale our mountain!
God has given us simple tools to help us construct a beautiful garden of peace and tranquility in the midst of life’s storms. Yet, I would have to ask the question: Have we opened the toolbox to discover what is available to each one of us?
In the hectic day to day race that most people find themselves in, it is good to remember that we must take in God’s Word so that we may take out the kind of life He desires for us!
What difficulties are you facing today? Difficult times require strong faith, and difficult times produce champions! I think of Noah who built an ark when no one understood rain or recognized the flood ahead of them. We can build an ark through our prayers and communion with God. When all things seem difficult, remember our heroes of faith!
Let’s not make prayer difficult! Keep it simple—that’s how God designed it! Religion is the extra ingredient of unbelief added to the simplicity of Christ’s cross. Faith is the simple confession of a heart trusting in what He has done for us!
There is nothing like the faithfulness of God! There is nothing like committing to Him and watching the delivering power of His Name, His Word, and His Love!
When should you pray? How should you pray? “In every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.” (Phil 4:6 AMP) The boundaries are limitless for our prayer life. If you have a concern or a problem, you have been given a free invitation to pray about everything!
We forget as believers that God has given us options to make our lives easier. We may declare the promises of God over our lives with the expectation that these promises are producing healthy results!
Forgiveness has both a horizontal and a vertical aspect. Horizontal forgiveness releases us from judgments that bind us to unhealthy relationships. It is the gatekeeper to the unforgiving spirit. As long as we are alive, we will encounter hurt and disappointment. What we do with this disappointment will determine our future.
Vertical forgiveness begins at the heart of God and extends directly to our hearts. It is a supernatural force of divine love that has the power to lift every burden. God’s forgiveness can lift our perspective of our relationships and ourselves. It can cause us to rise above every offense and see things from a heavenly perspective.
Are you troubled in spirit? Right now reach out for God’s divine forgiveness and discover a new liberty and freedom in Him! You can be free, happy and loosed from the chains of an unforgiving spirit!
If you have any unforgiveness in your heart, or if you’ve been unable to forgive yourself, right now you can pray this with me: “Jesus I ask You to take the pain that is in my heart. Help me forgive the people who have violated me. Forgive me Lord for those whom I have violated. I ask You right now to forgive me and to cleanse me and to come into my heart to help my emotions, bring Your divine love to my heart today. Release me from my sin and restore my hope.”
If you prayed this prayer I want you to know your heart has been opened to the love of God, and He will be that healing salve that you need when you face tragedy and unforgiveness.
Go to my website today, and look for our resources. You can find new hope for new life today and resources that will strengthen you on your course to recovery.