According to a statement issued by an organization composed of medical professionals who believe in divine healing, more physicians today believe that medicine alone cannot deal with some of today’s worst illnesses.
Dr. Sean Thomas George, a consultant physician from West Australia, told his amazing story at an Australian Conference on “Spirituality and Medicine.” George told the crowd that after returning with his intern from a clinic session on the south coast of Australia, he felt minor chest pains and he was “unusually hot.” Still feeling the discomfort, he decided to stop the car and call his wife, also a doctor, to let her know what was happening. She suggested that he drive straight home.
George said he felt “divinely directed” to enter a clinic, where he used an electro-cardiogram to diagnose a heart attack and to receive a few drugs they had on hand. The pain continued to get worse, and 11 minutes later his heart completely stopped beating! Not only did he have a heart attack, but he was in cardiac arrest. For the next 60 minutes a team of doctors and nurses used more than 4,000 chest compressions and gave him 13 electrical shocks.
His heart and lungs did not respond. After one hour and 10 minutes, George was pronounced dead. Ten minutes later his wife arrived and was told to go in and say her last words.
His wife understood the seriousness of the situation, and as a believer in Jesus Christ as Her Savior, she decided to humbly ask God to intervene. She held Dr. George’s hand and prayed, “Lord Jesus, he is only 39, I am only 38 and we have a 10-year-old boy. I need a miracle.” As soon as she said this it was as though someone had breathed life into Dr. George again, and his heart began to beat again. George had come back from the dead!
Four hours later, he was flown to Royal Perth Hospital where doctors carried out an emergency procedure to clear a severely blocked artery on the right side of the heart. The attending physician thought George would not survive, and even if he did, he would be completely brain dead on a ventilator. In ICU, George had kidney and liver failure and went into a deep coma.
Against all odds, he opened his eyes three days later, was discharged after two weeks, and returned to full-time work following three months of steady recovery!
Perhaps today you find yourself in a difficult situation and you are in need of help? I want you to know that a prayer as simple as Mrs. George’s prayer could be the key to your miracle today!
What if you had God’s complete attention for 5 minutes and could ask any question you want? Let’s look at a recent survey done by USA today entitled: “Questions for God.”
In the survey the following question was posed to adults:
If you could get in contact with God directly; ask a question, and get an immediate reply—what would you ask?
34% wanted to know: “What is my purpose here?”
19% would ask: “Will I have life after death?” Have you ever thought about life after death?
16% want to know: “Why do bad things happen?”
12% had no idea what they would even ask.
What burning question might you have for God?
Scientists say, God? What need is there for God when we have science that certainly explains all? Yet, with all of our medical understanding, scientists still face increasing incurable ailments of the mind, soul & body, and the fact that they do not have all the answers.
So who is God and where does He fit into your world? In reality, He is only one step—one decision away!
I’d like to share a story with you about a man from the Congo who was only one step away from a very tragic decision in his life. However, in just a matter of moments his world was changed instantly.
How? He heard words. Simple words of Good News opened the door to a new world. Do you need doors opened in your life? Today is your day!
In one of our meetings in the Congo, a young father was distraught and very upset about how life had treated him. I don’t know what situation you are facing—maybe you find yourself like this young father.
He had just purchased poison at a local pharmacy and was on his way home to take his and his family’s lives that night. As he walked, he heard words in the distance over loud speakers and decided to see what was happening. As he listened, he heard a new idea. The words began to penetrate his heart, and he had an overwhelming sense of God’s love and presence.
This young father later made his way to the platform to tell the audience what had happened. He stood weeping before 100,000 people, telling them the evil he had planned and how God had freed him and forgiven him. Suddenly, the crowd began to part as a woman with several children made her way to the platform. She was crying and shouting, “Honey, honey! We are here too!”
The couple embraced on the platform, forgave each other and committed their lives to the LORD. In an instant the question of who God is was answered—God is love! He is forgiveness, peace and restoration!
Do you need God’s presence? We have seen Him touch the masses around the world. Jesus is here for you right now. Wherever you are, just stop and turn your thoughts to God. He loves you. He believes in you. And today, He offers you forgiveness!
In 2010, an award-winning historical British film called “The King’s Speech” documented the life of King George the VI of Great Britain. He was known as the stuttering king and dreaded public speaking; a responsibility every monarch was expected to do often and do well. In 1925 he gave a closing speech at Wembley Stadium in London. The speech was a terrible ordeal for both him and his listeners as he stuttered through it with lengthy pauses. Everyone waited for it to end.
Psychologists tell us anyone can stutter if pushed too far. A very stressful situation, or a very aggressive interrogation or conversation can cause a person to stutter, however, most children grow out of it. King George did not grow out of his childhood stuttering and required intensive therapy.
In 1939, as Germany threatened to invade England, King George rallied his strength, rose above his difficulties, and found the resolve to inspire the nation as England declared war on Hitler. With the help of Australian born speech therapist, Lionel Logue, he conquered his disability and courageously stirred the people of Great Britain to action.
I want you to know that miracles are available today, yet King George discovered practical tools to overcome his stuttering and dislike of public speaking.
Whether you are in search of a miracle or practical tools, I encourage you today go to my website: We are here to help you, and have made tools available to you that can change your life!
One afternoon a young Russian man by the name of Ildus approached the platform in one of our outdoor events. This young man was so excited he could hardly wait to tell others what God had done for him. I was speaking when Ildus decided it was time to share his story. Ildus was so full of joy! He was pointing at his heart as if to say, “I am not alone—something has happened in my heart!”
Just as Ildus opened his mouth to speak, my husband arrived at the meeting. This young man was now grunting into the microphone pointing at his heart. I remember my husband looking at me as if to say, why is this guy on the platform? He’s not normal and he can’t speak!
Have you ever felt rejected because you are different? Or because you lack skills that other people seem to come by easily? I know that Ildus felt all alone and had little to live for. He’d been rejected by his family and was living on the streets; rummaging through garbage and wandering around aimlessly. In fact, one of our team members had just taken him into his own home.
The next evening, as my husband was speaking, Ildus once again approached the platform. Several of us were attempting to get my husband’s attention, because something very different was about to unfold! Kevin kept telling them not to give Ildus the mic, but finally we prevailed. When Ildus took the microphone, he began to speak in perfect Russian! He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card to show the audience. We were shocked to learn that it was his special medical ID, and that he was classified as having the most severe level of mental retardation!
He looked at the crowd and said, “You know me, I am the guy that begs from the trash cans—but something happened to me last night! Jesus came into my room while I was sleeping and put His finger on my forehead and on my tongue. For the first time in my life the fog has cleared from my mind! For the first time in my life I can think and speak clearly!”
Regardless of your situation, today you can rise above whatever holds you back and discover that you have a friend with God. He will come to you today and reconcile what distresses you. Just say these simple words with me, “Come into my life, Lord, and release me from the fear that holds me back. Like Ildus, heal my heart and touch my mind.” If you would like more information on miracles, please contact us today. We are waiting to hear from you!
According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, the vast majority of the world’s population comes into this world with genes that should enable them to live a happy and healthy life. He says a staggering 98% of diseases are due to lifestyle choices and therefore they are related to our thinking.
It has been estimated that 75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. So what is the stress that I speak of? Could it be distress in the mind—a mind filled with a continuous stream of worries, fears and distorted perceptions, all of which trigger degenerative processes throughout the mind and the body?
Well, today I want to offer YOU a choice for peace in your mind and freedom of disease in your body. Christ is the solution to your cares. He offers a way out of stress by simply calling on His name. Today, Jesus offers you friendship with God, peace for your mind and ultimately health for your soul and body. Wherever you are, simply pray, “Jesus, I choose You! Be my friend today!”
If you’d like more help, more information on healing, or someone to pray with you, please contact us today. We are waiting to hear from you.
In his book, “The Message that Works,” Dr. TL Osborn includes a chapter about Friendship With God, in which he states that God declares, “You can trust Me, I will trust you!”
Have you ever considered that God trusts you? And therefore you can trust yourself? I believe this is the essence of God’s heart toward you today.
You and I were created for fellowship with God, for friendship with God. Our rightful place is at His side—not under His feet or under His thumb. He doesn’t carry a hammer or a whip, commanding obedience…no, our rightful place is standing arm-in-arm with the living, loving God.
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. What does a true friend offer? Unconditional Acceptance, Unwavering Commitment, Unswerving Loyalty. And today, what does Jesus offer YOU? Uncompromising, unwavering Support when you don’t know where to turn.
If you would like to know more about friendship with God, contact us today. We are here to help you!
In the midst of his captivity, Patrick discovered a life-changing truth – a discovery that I am praying you will also make. YOU HAVE A FRIEND WITH GOD. A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
Six years after Patrick’s kidnapping he had a dream. In his sleep, he heard a voice say “Your hungers are rewarded: you are going home.” He sat up, startled, and the voice continued, “Look, your ship is ready.” So Patrick got up and began walking. 200 miles later, he arrived at the coast and saw a ship.
Now, no ship would ever give passage to a fugitive slave, and the captain told the young man to move on. But knowing this was his ship, Patrick spent some time in prayer. Before he had finished, a sailor approached him with the message that he could sail with them.
Have you ever asked the question, “How do I pray?” In Patrick’s 6 years of solitude, he found the answer: prayer is talking with God, your friend. It’s just a conversation between friends!
So, what’s holding you back today? The scripture says seek Me and you will find Me. You can seek Him right now! How? Just ask Him to come into your heart and into your thoughts. Prayer is opening your heart to God’s thoughts and ways—He desires to open His heart to you, and He will answer you.
Out of young Patrick’s friendship with God grew one of Christianity’s most widely known figures. Today Patrick is known as St. Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland. And today – God offers you friendship!
If you have just opened your heart and your life to God and would like to know more about receiving God’s love, contact us today. We have resources to help you!
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:13
What does “friendship” mean to you? Unconditional acceptance, Unwavering Commitment, Unswerving Loyalty? The Holy Scripture states, “There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.”
Many centuries ago, a young man named Patrick discovered this friend. In the year 401, a village on the coast of Britain was attacked by slave traders and a 16 year old boy was taken. Stripped of the comforts of his home life as well the future of an education and career, he was made a shepherd-slave to a distant clan. For Patrick, life was miserable. In a land of unknown languages, he experienced severe hunger as well as months of isolation on bitterly cold mountainsides.
These severe circumstances drove Patrick to God. Turning to his family’s faith, he spent his bitter days in constant prayer. As he did, a deep love of God and a profound sense of God’s Spirit was at work within him. Scripture says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
Can you imagine what Patrick endured? God knew. And just as He knew what Patrick endured, He knows what you are going through today. Scripture tells us God has felt our very weaknesses. Perhaps you are being held in captivity to your own thoughts. In captivity to a terrible family situation or a life destroying habit. Regardless of where you find yourself, I want you to know that Jesus said, “I don’t call you servants, you are not a slave…I call you friends.”
If you have a need and would like someone to pray with you, contact us today at
Scriptures: James 4:8, John 15:15
I remember an experience with a new roommate in college. We went to the local shopping center for lunch, and as we were walking through the long corridors, my roommate suddenly began having a panic attack. She fearfully repeated, “Leslie, Leslie – why are all these people staring at me? What’s wrong with me??” At first I didn’t understand what she was saying, and frankly, I didn’t even notice! Then it dawned on me, they weren’t staring at her. I told her to walk several steps behind me and see what happened. She was so relieved to see nothing was wrong with her, and that they were actually staring at me!
I have spent my life being the tallest person in a classroom, on a basketball team, in a restaurant, at my office, or just about anywhere. Recently, I remember stopping for the day in Mumbai. As we enjoyed the sights, people began following me, wanting to take pictures with me. Small groups of young people, women with children and entire families kept gathering around me for pictures! I didn’t know what to think…I’m tall? I’m unique? Do they think they recognize me? I finally realized I wasn’t going to see any sights, so I just decided to enjoy the people!
Have you ever felt self-conscious? Have you ever wondered if the whole world is staring at you? I have. According to Psychology Today, self-consciousness keeps us fighting the battle to control our self-image. But obsessing over our shortcomings inevitably traps us in embarrassment and shame.
How do we rise above self-consciousness and triumph in life? First, contrast self-consciousness with self-worth. Self-consciousness is an awareness of differences and shortcomings compared to others. Self-worth is built upon an internal perspective of ourselves. It is discovery of our intrinsic value, lived out through our dreams of the future. The dictionary states self-worth is the sense of one’s own value as a person. It is self-esteem or self-respect.
Self-worth can find its basis in biblical truth by knowing that we are created in God’s image; by understanding that we are wonderfully made; by realizing that our lives were written in God’s book before we were born! This Creator has chosen to live in the hearts of people! You can identify with Him today! How? By simply calling upon His name! God in heaven, Who revealed Himself to us through His Son Jesus is waiting right now for you to call upon Him! Why wait? Call on Him now!