“I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction” (Deut. 30:15). What are YOU speaking today? If it’s flu season, we’re not participating just because it’s coming around. If people are coming down with some new ailment, we’re not participating because we know in whom we have believed! And we are confident that He is able to do super abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that is working on the inside of us! (Eph. 3:20)
How do we escape death, dying, lack, sickness and disease in this world? We put the Word of God in our mouths and present ourselves to Him with it, speaking only what He says about ourselves and our situations. This allows the Holy Spirit to work in us, renewing our minds to the place where we are locked into it and nothing can move us!
When we truly learn who Jesus is and what He has done both for us and in us, we discover who we really are. And when we discover who we are, we learn what are to be doing here in the earth. Mountains, obstacles, troubles and anything else that tries to hinder us from carrying out God’s plans and purposes will then be removed when we speak!
Is a life of faith a hard, troubling walk of sorrows? Are we to just hold on and wait for it to be better on the other side? NO! John wrote, “This is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4 NKJV). We are to be walking in Kingdom life and demonstrating the power of God here on the earth!
If you are born again, the Spirit of God with His life-giving, regenerative power lives inside you to give life to your physical body, just as Jesus’ body was quickened by that same power and brought back from the dead! Turn up your level of expectation and start believing that the mighty power of God is flowing through you now!
If Jesus’ disciples went out healing diseases and casting out demons with the “dynamite” power of the Holy Spirit UPON them and not yet inside them as we do now, how much more do you and I now have that outworking of this dunamis, strengthening power on the inside of us to lay hands on the sick and set captives free from demons and every other influence of the enemy?
Faith is a force that operates apart from the reality of our circumstances. Your present reality may be saying you are out of money, you are sick, you are unemployed, your children are lost—but faith operates in the reality of what GOD says about the situation. Why? Because regardless of what we may be seeing or feeling, God’s Word is the TRUTH on the matter!
“Lord Jesus, I see you upon that cross, crucified for me. My sicknesses, diseases and every infirmity were upon You on that cross. Therefore, right now I receive my new body and my recreated spirit. I receive a sound mind and every part and system of my body made completely whole. I reach out, Lord, and I take what belongs to me. I declare that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed 2,000 years ago, and because it was done for me then, I am healed NOW! I thank you Father God and I receive it in the name of Jesus!”
Jesus is still performing the miracles that He did 2,000 years ago on the shore of the Galilee. How, you may ask? Through believers who are bold enough to be His hands and feet in the earth! Jesus is not intimidated by demons, sickness, sin, lack, or even death, and is a master over every circumstance and situation. If He lives in you, then this should describe you too!
Take your seat in heavenly places. Take your authority in Christ Jesus! Demand those things that belongs to you. Demand that your body line up with God’s promises. Demand that the circumstances around you line up in the name of Jesus. Demand that His promises become a reality as you take your authority over everything that has set itself against you!