Spiritual Dynamite

If Jesus’ disciples went out healing diseases and casting out demons with the “dynamite” power of the Holy Spirit UPON them and not yet inside them as we do now, how much more do you and I now have that outworking of this dunamis, strengthening power on the inside of us to lay hands on the sick and set captives free from demons and every other influence of the enemy?

Reality vs Truth

Faith is a force that operates apart from the reality of our circumstances. Your present reality may be saying you are out of money, you are sick, you are unemployed, your children are lost—but faith operates in the reality of what GOD says about the situation. Why? Because regardless of what we may be seeing or feeling, God’s Word is the TRUTH on the matter!

Take What Belongs to You

“Lord Jesus, I see you upon that cross, crucified for me. My sicknesses, diseases and every infirmity were upon You on that cross. Therefore, right now I receive my new body and my recreated spirit. I receive a sound mind and every part and system of my body made completely whole. I reach out, Lord, and I take what belongs to me. I declare that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed 2,000 years ago, and because it was done for me then, I am healed NOW! I thank you Father God and I receive it in the name of Jesus!”

Bold as a Lion

Jesus is still performing the miracles that He did 2,000 years ago on the shore of the Galilee. How, you may ask? Through believers who are bold enough to be His hands and feet in the earth!  Jesus is not intimidated by demons, sickness, sin, lack, or even death, and is a master over every circumstance and situation. If He lives in you, then this should describe you too!

Take Your Seat

Take your seat in heavenly places. Take your authority in Christ Jesus! Demand those things that belongs to you. Demand that your body line up with God’s promises. Demand that the circumstances around you line up in the name of Jesus. Demand that His promises become a reality as you take your authority over everything that has set itself against you!


Our Good Shepherd

In Psalm 23 we discover that Jehovah Rohi, God our Shepherd, leads us beside the still waters and causes us to lie down in green pastures, because He is our GOOD shepherd and is always with us and guiding us. He delights in doing us good! (Jeremiah 32:41)

Forward Focused

If your life feels like a twisting highway full of potholes with no guardrails, remember that your vehicle has two types of glass. The smallest ones are for looking behind you, and the big windshield is for looking forward. Keep your eyes focused through that one and you’ll successfully pass through whatever road you’re traveling!

Reliable and Ready

What happens when your car fails? You can’t go anywhere. You can’t start it. You can’t drive it. You can’t do anything with it. Well, God’s Word NEVER fails! It’s always ready to be driven and operated by the person who is willing to take it and sow it in their hearts, renew their minds with it and declare it with their mouths!

Riding the Rapids

Our greatest days are just ahead of us as we navigate through the rapids on the river of life. We will all go through some rough water, but must stay focused and steady. The boat was designed for the rapids. That’s where it performs its best!


What is faith? It is believing and standing on the truth that Jesus is Lord, and that He has already paid every debt and penalty to set you free. It is refusing to back down from the fact that He is your healer and your deliverer, regardless of what you feel or see or what those around you think, believe, or say. It is acknowledging that the report of Jesus is higher than ANY other report—including every diagnosis and every prognosis!