The Confidence of Faith

Faith is what allows us to see and be confident and happy about the answer to our prayers when we pray. We’re not waiting for a physical manifestation to be confident. We enjoy what we believe as if we had the things we believe for now in our possession!

Declaring Your Victory Prayer

“Father God, today is my day! I see my enemy defeated, decapitated and openly paraded. Father, Your army, Your Son, the host of angels, have defeated my enemy and I believe Your Word. Today I expect that the strength of Your healing power, Your promises, Your grace, Your love, Your might and your deliverance is being extended to me. Today I receive my healing and my deliverance! I say in the name of Jesus, I am free and I am made whole!”

The Fight of Faith

What is the fight of faith? It is continually directing my mind to believe what scripture says rather than focusing on what I’m feeling, hearing or seeing around me. It’s identifying with New Creation reality instead of the law of sin and death, and holding onto God’s Word when all else looks otherwise!

The Word Changes the World

The power in the Word of God is the same power that God used when He spoke this world into existence! When we speak it, it is the power of God in our mouths and it changes everything around us and in us!

Kingdom Realities

What are you expecting from God? If you’ve experienced a major financial setback, then you must, against hope, believe in God’s promise to supply all your needs (Phil. 4:19). Or if you’ve received a serious diagnosis, then you take the promise of God that say you were healed by the stripes of Jesus (Isaiah 53; 1 Peter 2:24) and other healing scriptures, and you meditate on them until they become more REAL to you than whatever the report says. You begin to hope—to expect—that you ARE healed and your symptoms are leaving, NOW. You expect that, because God sent His Word and healed you, and delivered you from every one of your destructions. These are is His promises to us TODAY!

The Power of Your Words

What makes us unique in all of creation is our ability to speak. Words are the raw material of the universe. God created the world by speaking it into existence, and we continue His work in the earth by speaking His Words!

The Force is in You

First Peter 1:23 tells us that the seed of God, His Word, is incorruptible. So we can have confidence and expectation that when we hear the Word of God and it lands in the soil of our heart, something good is going to come forth from it! Since God’s Word is incorruptible, it cannot be changed and is a force that has the ability to transform our lives!

Time to Change Crops

Seeds are designed to produce, so if all you’re seeing are weeds and thistles in your life, then it’s time to change crops and plant better seeds! Where do you find good seed? Jesus said in John 6:63 that His words are spirit and LIFE. Clearing out the thistles and weeds of wrong thoughts and words, and replacing them with the seeds of life found in your Bible will produce life-giving harvests!

New Life Prayer

“Jesus, You went to the cross and took away all of my sin. You took every form of sickness and disease, and you died for me. Now I see every sin, failure, fear, and problem, every weakness, sickness, tumor, and autoimmune disease laid upon You 2,000 years ago. Lord Jesus, I know I am crucified with You, and now I live, yet not I but You are alive in me!   I exchange my old life and my old body for a new life and a new body.  I come out of the grave, I come forth from the tomb, and I declare I am saved, I am healed, I am delivered, and I am a child of the Living God! Thank you, Jesus, I have no fear of tomorrow, I have no fear of any diagnosis, I have no fear of failure or sin, because I am in You and You are in me!”

How’s Your Relationship?

Even though Jesus had the most significant purpose on earth to accomplish, He was never in a hurry. He was confident that His mission would be completed because He walked in an intimate relationship with the Father. Knowing how important this is, why are we not making that kind of relationship with the Father a priority in our lives?