God Wants YOU!

God wants to know you more than you have ever desired to know Him—He has given His all for you! You are a child of His great love, and there is nothing you can do to receive His blessing. He has done it all!

The Old Man is Dead

The free gift of a new life doesn’t come by our works, church participation, giving, speaking or good deeds. No, this new life begins the moment we believe and receive Jesus as our Lord…the One who took away the old sin nature we inherited from Adam, and gave us His nature and life in return! He paid the price we could never pay!

Repeat After Him…

Many people fail to receive what they pray for because of lack of understanding about confession. The word confession in the Greek language means “saying the same thing.” This means we are to believe and say only what God says in His Word about our sins, sicknesses and everything else included in our redemption. When we affirm what God says about it, He watches over it to make it good!

Time to Start Sowing!

God tells us in 2 Corinthians 9 that He gives seed to the sower. What seed from God do you have that you can sow? His Word is full of seeds, they are the truth of who you are in Christ, what you have, and what you can do. Find those seeds and start sowing them into your heart, speaking them over yourself each day. Water them with your faith and patience, and watch transformation begin to take place as you see the Word becoming alive in you!

Wind and Waves

Jesus gave Peter power to walk on water, but the devil stole it away by getting him to fix his attention on the wind (representing things we feel) and on the waves (representing things we see). Peter had the power and used it, but then lost it by doubting. If we will keep our focus continually on Jesus, we will walk in the miraculous!


Scripture says in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. And again, I say rejoice!” These are victory keys! Take any unbelief, expose it and bring it before God. It’s real and it’s attacking your mind. And then give glory to God, rejoicing in what belongs to us in the name of Jesus. And your faith shall be made strong!

Believe What God Tells You!

The devil and his world system cannot hold back what God has promised for His children! Your part is to start each day with fresh expectation, believing and focusing on what God’s Word has promised to you as His dearly loved child!

Dump the Doubt!

Many times it’s not that we need more faith, it’s that we need to recognize when unbelief is standing between us and the promise of God. This is when we put the Word of God in our mouths and say, “All things are possible for the one who believes (Mark 9:23)! And I believe, so doubt, you move out of my way NOW in the name of Jesus!”

Reach Out and Receive

I want to encourage you today to expect God to answer you when you cry out for His mercy. He’s waiting on US—He’s already done everything that He could possibly ever do! Now it’s OUR opportunity to reach out and to grab by faith this mercy that has been provided for us by the Merciful One, who has made everything we will ever need available to us today!

Relentless Victory

Jesus is still performing the miracles that He did 2,000 years ago on the shore of the Galilee through faithful believers like you and me. And, both then and now, Jesus is NOT intimidated by demons, sickness, sin, lack, or even death! He was, and continues to be, a Master over every circumstance, bringing victory into every situation!