The Bible is God’s medicine for you, because by reading the Bible you strengthen your faith. Then as Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes” (Mark 9:23). The Apostle Paul wrote, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). This is why it is so important to read the Bible—to take God’s medicine!
As you go through your day today, be the person to introduce Jesus to those caught up in the hectic rat race of this chaotic world. Be the warning light that causes them to take their foot off the gas and move it over to the brake. Be the important interruption between where they are now, and their final destination!
Jesus said in John 6:35, “I am the bread of life, and whoever comes to me will never hunger, and the one who believes on me will never thirst.” Have you pulled up to the table today and taken hold of the promises that God has for you?
Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land. Ten of the spies saw themselves as mere grasshoppers in the sight of the giants that lived in the land. But two of the spies had a different perspective. They saw the giants through God’s eyes and declared, “these giants are bread for us!” (Numbers 14:9 KJV). When everyone around you is talking about giants, who are you going to believe—the grasshoppers, or GOD?
The scriptures tell us in Ephesians 1:3 that there is another source for all that we need on earth, and it is found in the spirit realm. It’s not sitting up there in heaven waiting for you to get there, it is in your born again spirit, waiting for you to claim here on earth!
What difficulties are you facing today? Difficult times require strong faith, and difficult times produce champions! I think of Noah who built an ark when no one understood rain or recognized the flood ahead of them. We can build an ark through our prayers and communion with God. When all things seem difficult, remember our heroes of faith!
If you can get a proper perspective, or image, of how God sees you as a new creation in Christ, and how you see God in light of His love and care for you, then you will build a foundation that cannot be moved by the storms of life. It cannot be moved by negative reports or the appearances of circumstances that you are experiencing in your world!
What are your possibilities in life and ministry? God has set no limits! Some people spend half their life trying to find the will of God, while others are wondering if they accomplished it. Jesus has made you a success; now go out and show the world!
Jesus paid the price for our sin and sickness and disease on the cross. So it’s not, “I’m GOING to be healed,” but rather, “I am ALREADY healed! Not because I feel healed or look healed, but because the Word of God is absolutely true and more powerful than however I may feel or look!”
When Jairus’ daughter died while Jesus was delayed, Jairus was told by Jesus to “only believe,” that his daughter will live. Death may be final, but NOTHING is “too late” when Jesus is with you! Keeping control of our emotions is important. I believe Jesus was saying to Jairus: “Just stay open to your miracle. Do not shut down. I am bigger than any bad report!”