My friend, your future is in your hands. God has already cast His vote for you. He paid for it all. He believes in you, and when you are born again He comes to live IN you to see your miracle come to pass. He had a plan and picture of your destiny from the foundation of the earth. Your faith decision mixed with His wonderful, unmerited, undeserved favor will bring it to pass. It’s NOT based on what life throws at you, and THE DEVIL CANNOT STOP YOU!
When we know who Jesus is, we know who we are. And when we know who we are, we know what we can do. This is why mountains, obstacles, troubles, and anything else that keeps us from being the best that God made us to be can be removed when we speak!
Let’s not make prayer difficult! Keep it SIMPLE! That’s how God designed it! Faith is the simple confession of a heart who believes that in Christ we are who our Father says we are, we have what He says we have and can do what He says we can do!
The faith within us should roar out when we are pressured by the world, the devil, and all his agents of destruction. That’s why scripture doesn’t ignore the reality of trials or temptations, but instead tells us to use them as stepping stones to God’s greatest potential in both our lives and the lives of others (James 1:2-8)!
Why would Jesus Christ die on the cross and take my sin if He didn’t have a plan for my success? Everybody should be planning for success, because the One who lives in you by His Spirit has defeated your enemy!
Humanity alone was created in the image of God. Only humanity was given the right and the ability and the authority to walk with the living God, to speak words as He spoke, to create as He created, and to live as He lived on the earth. The desire of every human heart should be to manifest each day the reality of the blessing and privilege we walk in!
In Jeremiah 29:11 God says that He has plans to prosper you. He has planned for your health and your future. There is a destiny that is before you. Expect it! Plan for it! Dream it! Say it! Believe it and it will unfold before you!
Never underestimate the importance of your personal testimony, no matter how insignificant it may seem. The potential of your words in a heart that is ready to receive it is as explosive as one little match in a mountain of dry wood!
A ship that remains tied to the dock will eventually be overrun with barnacles and dry rot, a plane that sits idle in the hangar will grow brittle, moldy and its engine will cease to function, and a person without a purpose greater than themselves will weaken in resolve and retire in heart. We must not shrink from the opportunities before us!
We do NOT have to be timid when facing difficulties in life! Because God lives in us and has equipped us with everything we need, we can face life with courage, with determination, and with boldness!