Beggars or Believers?

Are you a beggar or are you a believer? Have you grasped that 2,000 years ago at the cross there was a change in eternity? When Jesus said “it is finished,” the old was over and gone, and the NEW was made alive and active! The penalties for sin—for your healing and your freedom from every kind of infirmity and oppression, was paid for and removed for eternity!

Supernatural DNA

Does DNA matter? It does if you understand what takes place inside you the moment you believe and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord. In that covenant exchange, He takes away all the sin that separated you from God, and replaces it with His own DNA in you so you can live and walk as He did in this world!

As He Is, So Are We in the World

Should you and I be afraid of the works of the devil? No! Why? Jesus understood that He came from His Father and had access to legions of angels. If Jesus had access to that angelic host around Him—that caused every demonic entity to flee—how much more do WE have victory through Jesus who defeated him?

Conformed to His Image

When Jesus ascended back to the Father, the devil thought he could continue to oppress and discourage the disciples to get them to quit. He didn’t realize that Jesus would be sending the Holy Spirit to fill these same weak people with a heavenly power equal to the power Jesus had over him!

It Is Finished!

Jesus walked the earth as a man, born of God without a sin nature. That meant the devil had absolutely no ability to touch Him, because sin was what was holding mankind under his slavery. When Jesus destroyed the works of the devil against us by paying the price for our sin, we became as He was in the earth—free from sin! Forgiven and made righteous! Healed, delivered and blameless in the Father’s sight! IT IS FINISHED!

“Go Ye” Means Thee!

Jesus says to His followers, “I will work through you.” The disciples were looking to Him to be the one to do the works, but He was looking to them. It was hard for His disciples to understand that they would be His voice, His hands and His feet. Their eyes were on the future, but Jesus empowered them, AND US, for the present!

Who is God?

People wonder, who IS God?? God is APPROACHABLE, PERSONABLE, FORGIVING, KIND, COMPASSIONATE, HEALING, LOVING, UNCHANGING, DEPENDABLE, JOYFUL, PATIENT—and this is just the tip of who our wonderful GOD is. He is in your corner and FOR you! Allow Him to be and do everything He desires to in your life!

The Heart of the Matter

“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him” (John 14:7). Jesus healed, Jesus delivered, Jesus taught, Jesus loved, because Jesus IS love. Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father’s nature. When you see Jesus in the Word, you’re seeing the Father’s heart. And when you understand the nature and character of God, and His love for mankind, you will always have the right doctrine!

The Highest Price

It cost God the blood of His Son Jesus to redeem us. Jesus bought us back to God at the price of His own blood—so no devil, person or feeling can ever say we are not righteous! Our penalty was not ignored or winked at—it was completely paid for and totally removed—for eternity!

The Heart of God is Service

Every time a leader in this world tries to play the role of God, it ends up in defeat. True greatness is NOT achieved by reducing other people to servitude, but in giving of yourself in selfless service to others!