New Life Prayer

“Jesus, You went to the cross and took away all of my sin. You took every form of sickness and disease, and you died for me. Now I see every sin, failure, fear, and problem, every weakness, sickness, tumor, and autoimmune disease laid upon You 2,000 years ago. Lord Jesus, I know I am crucified with You, and now I live, yet not I but You are alive in me!   I exchange my old life and my old body for a new life and a new body.  I come out of the grave, I come forth from the tomb, and I declare I am saved, I am healed, I am delivered, and I am a child of the Living God! Thank you, Jesus, I have no fear of tomorrow, I have no fear of any diagnosis, I have no fear of failure or sin, because I am in You and You are in me!”

Real Relationship

The world has forgotten what God looks like. Religion has hidden Him behind walls and ceremonies and shrouded His Word in mystery with their dead traditions. By comparison, Jesus came saying, “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also” (John 14:7).  Jesus offers us a relationship with the Father like the one He had!

Goodness Restored

Satan told Eve that eating of the fruit of the tree would make them like God, knowing good and evil. When we read in the book of Genesis we discover that as God created, each act of creation was followed by His decreeing that “it was GOOD.” God never intended for us to know evil, He intended us to enjoy the blessing and the goodness of all that He had created for us. It was Satan who desired that we experience evil, but Jesus has restored the blessing and our dominion to us!

You Are Priceless

God confirmed your value by sending what was most precious and valuable to Him to purchase you, His Son. Your value is not based on your past or your performance, but on your purchase price, which will always be the blood of Jesus!


If You Know Him, Show Him

Jesus told us to go into all the world as His representatives. Where you go, He goes. Even as He is, so are you in this world (1 John 4:17). That doesn’t mean that you’re Jesus, it means you represent His power. If you can’t present His power, then all you’re giving the world is another philosophy!

Beggar or Believer?

If we spend most of our time begging God to do what He’s already done, and the rest of the time asking Him to do what He’s told us to do, what have we just done? Nothing! Ask yourself today, are you a beggar or are you a believer?

It’s a Heart Thing

The devil tries to tell people that money is the root of all evil and that it’s better for you if you don’t have it—otherwise you’ll become proud and fall into sin (1 Timothy 6:10).  But notice, the Bible does NOT say that money is evil, it says the LOVE of money is the root problem. It’s our attitude towards money that is the issue!

How Much More?

Matthew 7:11 says, If you then being evil know how to give goods unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask Him?” Not only is God NOT the author of sickness and disease, not only is God NOT using sickness as the tool in His hand, but He clearly tells us that He has a great desire to answer our prayers and to meet our needs!

Take Command!

Many people believe in Jesus but are scared of the devil. If you are born again, the devil should be afraid of you! Why? The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead NOW LIVES IN YOU! You are saved—you are healed—you have been delivered! You have been set free to walk in the same power and authority that Jesus did in the earth!

You Have Everything You Need

Jesus is not only with the Christian but He is IN the Christian; yet many are full of fears and worries, gloom and doom—waiting for a bail out by something bigger or “better.” Only when you know and understand Who is both with you and in you, will you will rise to the new levels of confidence to walk in the position of authority you have been given!