Nothing Shall By Any Means Hurt You

It’s important to understand that there are no limitations or boundaries drawn where God “categorizes” a sickness as being simple or difficult.  The power of God is present to heal now, and that healing power covers EVERY type of sickness and disease!

You Don’t Ever Have to be Sick!

Each of us are alive for a period of time on this earth, but it does NOT have to be a life controlled by germs and viruses and filled with sickness and disease. It can be a life of victory, where we are living the abundant life of health and healing and peace that God has provided for us!

Speak Life!

The scenarios we create with our words can either draw favor, blessings, goodwill, love, healing, finances, and trust to us…or they can draw anger, hate, fear, anxiety, and death into our lives. Regardless of whether you choose to believe in it or not, life and death truly is in the power of your tongue (Proverbs 18:21).


If we could see people through God’s eyes then we would win the world, but instead we see them through our own eyes, labeling them with a big sign that says “Sinner.” Have you ever asked how much that “sinner” is worth?  How much God paid for them?  It was the price of His Son.  How much are you and I worth?  The same. The difference is, they don’t know it.  When we truly understand this, we will be motivated to tell them.

God’s Answer is YES!

Many people think God has a huge office and a lot of work to do, and because He’s so busy He has no time for them. They look up at the sky wondering, “What will God do for me? He’s way up there somewhere…” The truth is, God never says “NO!” to you! God’s answer to everyone is YES! He is always reaching out to us! “If you are hungry, come to Me, and I will feed you! If you are thirsty, come to Me and drink! If you are in need, come to Me, open up your heart and give Me your problems!” Why? Because He loves us, and that’s what love does!

Christ IN You!

According to Colossians 1:27, Christ now lives in you. So, where is the presence of God? It’s not back over here, or just up ahead, or coming down from somewhere. We live in the glory of His love and His life and His Spirit IN us, right now!

Relationship, Not Religion

The world has forgotten what God looks like. Religion has hidden Him behind walls and ceremonies and shrouded His Word in mystery with their dead traditions. By comparison, Jesus came saying, “‘If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also’”(John 14:7).  Jesus offers us a relationship with the Father like the one He had!

The Tree is in the Seed

If you take a seed from a magnolia tree and plant it in an oak forest, you will still get a magnolia tree regardless of the environment of trees that surround it. The tree is hidden in the seed. God’s seed planted in the hearts of people, wherever they are, will produce God-people!

His Plans—Your Purpose

God is dependent upon us to carry out His plans in the earth. Acts 13:6 says David fulfilled his purpose in his generation. I see two things in this passage. One, David knew his purpose; and two, he fulfilled his purpose! My prayer is that each one of us would discover our purpose, find our team, and then pull together for fulfillment in God’s plan!

“Healthy” is Your Inheritance!

I believe with all my heart that as children of God, we are entitled to be healthy! I believe that God did not create sicknesses and diseases! Everything that the Lord made was “very good”!

If you have a problem, a need or a sickness, then you need to find out what God’s Word says about it. When you believe what He says, you will definitely receive an answer from God!