Be a Life Bringer

There is a place in Christ where you lack nothing. That place may surprise you—it may appear to be a lifeless, famine field! Your faith and actions make the difference in how your environment responds to you!

Time to Start Sowing!

God tells us in 2 Corinthians 9 that He gives seed to the sower. What seed from God do you have that you can sow? His Word is full of seeds, they are the truth of who you are in Christ, what you have, and what you can do. Find those seeds and start sowing them into your heart, speaking them over yourself each day. Water them with your faith and patience, and watch transformation begin to take place as you see the Word becoming alive in you!

What Are You Producing?

Your heart is the spiritual “factory” that creates reality from what is placed in it. Your words are the raw material that the faith in your heart goes to work on, creating the world around you. That means you have the power to produce heaven on earth, or hell on earth, all by what you are saying!

Change Your Diet

The strongest voice in your life is the voice on the inside of you. It either tells you that you can do great things in life, or it whines that you’re a victim of circumstances that you can’t change. It speaks whatever has been fed into your life, which is why it’s so important to feed on God’s Word!

Faith Sees Seed, Not Need

If we don’t learn to look at our circumstances and situations through the eyes of faith, we will only see our need. Faith doesn’t look at the need, faith looks at the seed of God’s Word as the supply for every situation!

Everyday Excellence

The little streams leading to mighty rivers of abundance are the unseen services we provide as we go about our daily lives. The habit of top-notch service to others opens an ever-increasing flow to us. Success follows those who serve with sincerity and excellence!

Kingdom Sowing

We may think that our boss controls our fate and our income, but that is not the case in the Kingdom of God. The seed principle God initiated at the beginning of time is still in operation. Whatever we sow we will reap. Mix the seed of diligent work with the seed of your money sown, and you will have a powerful seed combination working in God’s soil!


Focus and Control

You could say that whatever you give yourself to will increase. Whatever you put your focus on will multiply. In your life, whatever you pay attention to will grow, and whatever you ignore will diminish. You DO have control over things that would try to control you!

Half Full or Half Empty?

We’re living in a day when all we’re hearing from the world is talk of what we don’t have, used to have, would like to have or should have. In the midst of this “lack-speak,” It’s very important to take stock of what you DO have. If you are a child of God, then you know you have Jesus Christ living in you, which means ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

The Ultimate Prescription

If you haven’t yet developed the habit of taking the “medicine” of God’s Word for health, life, and resisting sickness and disease, you can start today! And when you do, you’ll discover that down the road you’ll be able to walk through the midst any epidemic with no fear!